Project description

COMPAS stands for "COmprehensive Multiprofessional Education for improving, distributing and implementing Patient Safety and maintenance of workforce in the EMR".

This project is part of the EU-funded INTERREG Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR) programme and is co-funded by regional authorities from the three EMR countries Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.“To err is human, to learn from it, divine” (adapted from Alexander Pope). Patient safety is an important and growing concern. Overall, the available evidence suggests that at least 15% of hospital expenditures and activities can be attributed to treating safety failures. Patient safety risks are largely due to human factors, communication and miscommunications in teamwork. Despite extensive expertise, knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals, one in ten hospitalized patients will experience an adverse event, half of which are considered preventable.


Despite progress, the impact of current improvement strategies is disappointing, underscoring the need for a framework that embraces patient safety in a holistic approach. Maintaining healthcare personnel in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine and promoting resilience is a highly relevant goal that must be accomplished and should not be limited to crisis situations. Various factors contribute to the occurrence of patient safety incidents; in addition to active failures (human error), communication and safety culture are emphasised as significant causal factors. Aside, providers are insufficiently trained to deal with changes and healthcare innovations and certainly not trained in the innovation of care processes and systems. This leaves us with a system lacking resilience and agility, making it outpaced continuously by technological innovations and other external impulses.

The COMPAS project will address the need for organisational capacity building by developing a comprehensive educational approach. Working closely with healthcare professionals and educational innovators, we will create a blueprint for educational programmes – micro and macro degrees – at the intersection of healthcare delivery, patient safety, and innovation. By enabling collaboration between universities and colleges in the EMR, we will be able to offer programs to educate at different levels.


  • Developing comprehensive multi professional education and training tools on patient safety
  • Implementing and distributing comprehensive multi professional education in the EMR
  • Maintenance of workforce and resilience
  • More information: and