Courses and activities
Here you can find an overview of our courses and activities:
Courses for PhD candidates
Maastricht University requires each PhD candidate to complete three online courses. These courses cover the following topics: Research Ethics & Integrity, Open Science and Impact & Science Communication.
Other relevant workshops and courses for PhD candidates are offered by the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences and other institutions within Maastricht University. SHE Educates offers one of these courses, which focuses on qualitative research skills. Additionally, the Interuniversity Centre for Educational Research (ICO) offers PhD courses within the Netherlands. More information is available here.
SHE Presents
SHE organises four online ‘SHE Presents’ sessions per year in which SHE PhD candidates present and discuss their research with the SHE audience (virtual or onsite). This is done at the start of the PhD trajectory in the ‘SHE Presents New Candidates’ sessions and about halfway through the PhD trajectory in regular ‘SHE Presents’ sessions. These sessions contribute to the SHE Community by allowing presenters and audience to share thoughts and ideas on ongoing research and by getting to know peers within SHE who are working on similar and different topics. For access to previous SHE Presents sessions, visit our SHE YouTube channel.
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
SHE has a number of Special Interest Groups (SIG), i.e. groups of junior and senior researchers who have organized themselves around a certain area of interest. Currently, SHE has 5 SIG’s:
1. Co-creation and Educational Change
We are an international community of educators/scholars who share the passion to co-create education through involving learners and other stakeholders in the educational design process. During our meetings (every 6 weeks), we discuss own work and published articles, and collaborate on papers and conference contributions. Our focus is on research about co-creation as well as the implementation of co-creation in educational practice.
2. Globalization, Internationalization and Diversity
SHE’s Globalization and Diversity Special Interest Group addresses global and local questions around contextualizing educational innovations, decolonizing educational partnerships, and educating health professionals for diversity. During our bimonthly online meetings, we discuss recent publications as well as our own work. Ultimately, we aim to learn how we can make use of our differences in ways that improve health professions education and practice for all involved.
3. Interprofessional Education and Collaboration
Health & Social Care require Teamwork!
The IPE/C SIG focuses on research and practices regarding interprofessional education, learning, guidance, and collaboration across the continuum of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development. During our meetings (» 6x per year) we discuss recent publications on IPE/C and relevant (learning) theories, provide feedback on each other’s work, and brainstorm new ideas for research, practice and grant applications.
Our members are dispersed across campuses, countries, professions, and disciplines. Feel free to join!
4. Instructional Design and Self-Regulated Learning
The SHE Special Interest Group ‘'Instructional Design and Self-Regulated Learning’ (SIG IDSRL) is a community of research, education and valorization activities within SHE thematically related to issues of design of instruction and curriculums, and to issues of self-regulation of learning. We find that these issues often show relevant linkages, with more and more attention to self-regulation within design of instruction, and with increasing acknowledgement that development of self-regulated learning skills is an issue of instructional design. The SIG is open to anyone within SHE!
5. Workplace-Based Learning
The LEWO SIG is a multidisciplinary group of researchers with various levels of experience in research and/or clinical practice, with diverse backgrounds. What unites us is our interest in how healthcare professionals learn in, from and for practice, across the educational continuum. Our core group meets every 6-8 weeks to discuss our own work or interesting papers. Two times per year we organize online meetings that are open for everyone interested in the topic.
It is encouraged that SHE PhD candidates participate in one (or more) SIG’s. Most SIG’s hold regular meetings with their group. Once a year, each SIG organizes a ‘SIG presents’ meeting that can be attended by other SHE researchers and PhD candidates.
SHE Journal Club
SHE organizes a number of journal club meetings per year during which relevant literature is discussed between SHE researchers. The meetings last one hour and take place at Maastricht University. Online presence is facilitated. During each meeting one paper is discussed. This paper typically is a state-of-the-art paper that is selected by a staff member or the organizing team. The discussion is organized around the reading questions that are formulated by the staff member or the PhD candidate who has put forward the paper.