Episode 7: International Health

I am Rok Hrzic, an external PhD-candidate at the department of International Health. I am pursuing the thesis with co-supervisors from the University of Groningen and the International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health and Data Science. My project focuses on the structural determinants of mortality disparities in the enlarged European Union, particularly regarding social and economic policy.

The people

We are a small department located in the central hallway (former canteen) on the ground floor of Duboisdomein 30. The department is headed by Prof. Dr. Helmut Brand, who is supported by the research coordinator, Dr. Timo Clemens, and the education coordinator, Dr. Matt Commers. Our group also includes Prof. Dr. Kasia Czabanowska, several junior colleagues, a secretariat, and a large international network of external PhD students and research collaborators.

The research & education

The mission of our department is to build bridges between public health research and European developments and policies. We focus on comparative research in various aspects of public health in Europe; examples include European cooperation on rare diseases, health data, population health monitoring and reporting, and the public health workforce. We also coordinate two large education programs, the BSc in European Public Health and the MSc in Governance and Leadership in European Public Health.

The meetings

The department meets every two weeks to connect, brainstorm, and discuss current developments in European health politics and policy.

The interesting stuff

Despite being a small department, we cover a large range of topics and methodologies. This is possible because of the impressive range in backgrounds and perspectives we represent, ranging from medical doctors and nurses to consultants, managers, and civil servants. The interdisciplinarity and the rapid development of European health policy and politics make sure there are no boring days at INTHEALTH.

If you are curious to know more, contact me via e-mail (r.hrzic@maastrichtuniversity.nl).


Rok Hrzic
Rok Hrzic