The M-EPLI Blog covers a variety of topics related to the Institute's areas of expertise, from recent legal developments in the field of private law, to updates on research activities of our members, to information on the Institute's research events.
Every time consumers use online email, stream music or videos or archive pictures on the internet, it is quite likely that they are using cloud computing. Those online pictures, videos or emails are not stored on consumer’s computers. Instead, they are processed and stored on a group of remotely...
M-EPLI was delighted to have Professor Vanessa Mak in Maastricht to discuss her research on consumer law and policy at the M-EPLI Talk on February 6th.
The pain and suffering of accident victims does not have a price and, in claims for damages, no fixed economic value. Thus, quantifying the amount of money needed to compensate for pain and suffering is a subjective exercise often influenced by adjudicators’ biases.
Reflecting on the M-EPLI Interns' Thesis Workshop: Can institutions benefit from reassessing their priorities in terms of what they incentivize and analyzing why these types of events offering an opportunity for students to write and get substantive feedback so rare?
On 23 February 2022, the European Commission released the much anticipated proposal for the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. The aim of this Directive is to reduce human rights violations and environmental harms across the global value chain by making large companies carry out...