M-EPLI Partnerships


We are always interested in contacting parties willing to support making M-EPLI a centre of excellence in the fields it covers. Such support can range from financial support to collaboration with foreign colleagues to the creation of endowed chairs.

 If you would like to collaborate with us, please contact Prof. dr. Gijs van Dijck.

M-EPLI is proud to be associated with the following partner institutions:

Ius Commune Research School

All resident fellows of M-EPLI are a member of the Ius Commune Research School. This KNAW-recognised Research School is a collaborative effort of the universities of Maastricht, Utrecht, Leuven and Amsterdam. It offers a common teaching programme to the PhD-researchers of these universities and hosts common research programmes.

Ius Commune Research School 

Finnish Centre of Excellence in the Foundations of European Law and Polity Research

Based in the University of Helsinki, the Centre’s research is focused on the challenges Europeanisation brings to legal theory, and attracts researchers in law, political science, and history.

Chair of Legal Culture and Legal Linguistics

The Chair is held by Professor Jaakko Husa at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi.
Professor Husa is also an invited fellow at M-EPLI.

ETHYRN network

Together with the Helsinki Centre of Excellence (University of Helsinki) and the Europa Institute (Edinburgh School of Law), M-EPLI is part of the ETHYRN network – linking PhD-researchers from these three institutes who research in the field of European integration. The network promotes the exchange of ideas across institutes, and promotes collaboration among its participant researchers.

 read more on ETHYRN network 
 read more on European integration