Caroline Cauffman (C.A.N.M.Y.)
Caroline Cauffman obtained her Master's (1998) and PhD degree (2004) in law at the KULeuven (Belgium). In 1999, she obtained the Ius Commune Researcher's certificate. She specialized in EU competition law at King's College (UK, MA 2012).
In 2009, she obtained a Marie Curie IEF Fellowship to conduct research on the interface between European private law and European competition law.
In 2012, she obtained a China-EU School of Law Research Grant for the coordination of a research project on Procedural Rights in European and Chinese competition law.
Currently, she is an associate professor at Maastricht University, a visiting professor at the University of Hasselt, a member of the Flying Faculty or the China-EU School of Law, an assessor at the Belgian competition authority and a lawyer.
Caroline is coordinator of the Research Program General Law of Obligations and Contracts of the Ius Commune Research School and author of numerous contributions to national and international journals dealing with issues of contract law, consumer law and competition law.
She addressed numerous national and international conferences and participated in many international working groups such as the working group drafting model rules for online intermediary platforms, the AHRC Comparative Private Enforcement and Redress Project and the Jean Monnet SOLAR (Soft law) project.
She is a member of the editorial board of the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law and a contributor to the Tijdschrift voor Consumenten- en Handelspraktijken. In addition, she has been involved in providing advice to the European institutions on e.g. the rights of multiple persons in the collaborative economy and late payment in B2B transactions.