CGD Projects

CGD members at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are involved in interdisciplinary projects that draw on various subdisciplines in the Humanities, or subdisciplines in the Social Sciences, and we also have projects that integrate research approaches from humanities and social sciences. This page inventories our on-going projects including networks that are funded, unfunded and seeking funding. These range from collaborative projects with other scientific partners and with societal partners, to networks, edited volumes and single authored books. As a research platform the CGD supports the visibility and outreach of these projects, the dissemination of research findings, and is available to sponsor research meetings for those seeking funding or preparing a funding bid.

It should be noted that this page serves to give only a brief overview of affiliated projects. For more extensive descriptions, the project pages and/or responsible researchers’ bio should be consulted. 



Addressing ageism in academia through a playful anti-ageism intervention at Maastricht University

Belonging and Unbelonging in Amsterdam’s Het Zuid-Afrikahuis: A Decolonial Study of Dutch Whiteness in Relation to Afrikaner Whiteness

Researchers involved:Pieter du Plessis (PhD candidate)
More information:About this project



Biography about Coen van Emde Boas (104-1981)

Researchers involved: Annemieke Klijn (principal investigator)
Jos Perry (researcher)
During of the project:  Until 2025


Care matters: The making and valuing of homes in mobility

Researchers involved:Lauren Wagner (principal investigator)
Joma Ronden (PhD candidate)
Duration of the project:2019-2024
Funding body:NWO Aspasia
More information:Project website


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Challenging masculinities? The institution of marriage for young Senegalese migrant men under conditions involuntary return to Senegal

Researchers involved: Karlien Strijbosch (PhD Candidate) and Valentina Mazzucato (supervisor)
Funding body: NWO PhDs in the Humanities
Public partners: Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar
Faces of Science (KNAW)


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Diversiteit & Inclusie Onderzoek

Researchers involved:

Arent Boon (principal investigator)
Eliza Steinbock (supervisor)

Duration of the project: 2022-2024
Funding body: Mondriaan Fund
Public partner: Bonnefanten Museum


European Network in Aging Studies - ENAS

Researchers involved: Aagje Swinnen (co-founder, currently in the Advisory Board)
More information: Project website


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Fandom and Participatory Censorship: Boys’ Love fiction and globalized activities across the Great Firewall of China

Researchers involved:

Yiming Wang (PhD candidate)
Emilie Sitzia (supervisor)
Elsje Fourie (co-supervisor)

Duration of the project: 2021-2025
Funding body: China Scholarship Council


Gender in Motion: Evolving gender expectations amongst East African Refugees in the Netherlands

Researchers involved:Applicant: dr. B.L.N. le Normand
Co-applicant: dr. B. B. Dito
Candidate: S. Anyango 
Funding body:NWO, Maastricht University
More information:The Netherlands has faced an influx of Eritrean and Somali refugees. Due to their traditional and religious beliefs that are considered to be far removed from a secularized society like the Netherlands, Dutch institutions are calling for more research on these newcomer groups. Settled refugees still require exploration, while focusing on the changing dynamics of their gender expectations in order to ‘fit’ in their new society. Through intersectionality, gender performativity, gender construction and negotiation, and lifecycle theories, complexities of displacement and interaction with host society will be illustrated. These are examined through oral life history, ethnography, and critical discourse analysis.


LACUNAE: LAsting Legacies: Contemporary Artists’ Estates Between PUblic Heritage and Private INheritAncE

Researchers involved: Oriana Baddeley (University of the Arts London, UK) 
Joana Baiao (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT) 
Lydia Beerkens (SRAL, NL);
Valentina Curandi (artist and PhD candidate in artistic research, D/IT)
Adrian Glew (Tate, UK)
Robert Jarosz (Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, PL)
Marika Kuzmicz (Fundacija Arton, PL)
Pip Laurenson (Tate and Maastricht University, UK)
Susana Martins (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT);
Adam Mazur (University of the Arts Poznán, PL)
Christoph Rausch (Maastricht University, NL)
Vivian van Saaze (Maastricht University, NL)
Anna Schäffler (Preservation as a Service, Berlin, D)
Eliza Steinbock (Maastricht University, NL)
Mark Waugh (Art 360 foundation, UK)
Miriam Windhausen (independent advisor artists‘ estates, NL)
Renée van de Vall (Maastricht University, NL)
More information: Network website


Learning to make IT: An intersectional approach to communities of practice for information technology specialists

Researchers involved: Annika Richterich (principal investigator)


Mitigating Gender Citation Bias in Academia

Researchers involved:

Sharon Anyango,  Aurélie Carlier

Duration of the project:

Funding body: Diversity and Inclusivity Maastricht University
Public partners: Diversity and Inclusivity Maastricht University
Female Empowerment Maastricht (FEM)
More information: Project website



Mobility Trajectories of Young Lives (MO-TRAYL)

Researchers involved:

Valentina Mazzucato (project lead)
Karlijn Haagsman (post-doctoral researcher)
Gladys Akom Ankobrey (PhD candidate)
Sarah Anschütz (PhD candidate)
Laura Ogden (Phd candidate)
Onallia Esther Osei (PhD candidate)
Yleen Goffin-Simonis (project officer)

Duration of the project: 2017-2021
Funding body:

European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

More information: Project website


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QueerCon Maastricht invites scholars from all academic disciplines and at every stage of their academic career to come together to advance LGBTQIA+ knowledge.

The organised conference is the first of its kind in UM history, and it aims to be interdisciplinary, international, and intergenerational.

A festival that aims to celebrate and advance LGBTQIA+ inclusion and equity runs parallel to the conference. 

Date of the Conference and Festival: 1-2 July 2024
Location: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (a.o.) in Maastricht

More information on QueerCon

CGD Announcement QueerCon

RAIDIO: Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Decision Making

Researchers involved: 

Sally Wyatt (project leader)
Flora Lysen (post-doctoral researcher)
Annelien Bredenoord (project leader, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Jojanneke Drogt (PhD candidate, Utrecht University Medical Centre)
Karin Jongsma (project leader, Utrecht University Medical Centre)
Megan Milota (researcher, Utrecht University Medical Centre)
Shoko Vos (researcher, Radboud University Medical Centre)

Duration of the project: 2020-2024
Funding body: NWO Open Competition on Digitalisation


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Redrawing feminism: graphic narrative engagements with the feminist past

Researchers involved:

Vasiliki Belia (PhD candidate)
Emilie Sitizia (supervisor)
Lies Wesseling (co-supervisor)
Louis van den Hengel (co-supervisor)

Duration of the project: 2020-2024
Funding body: NWO PhDs in the Humanities 2020
Public partner: IHLIA LGBT+ Heritage



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Rewind and Record: Preserving the People’s History

Researchers involved:

Nicole Emmenegger (principal investigator)
Eliza Steinbock (co-researcher)

Duration of the project: 2022-2023
Funding body: NWO Museum grants
Public partner: The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision
More information: Project website


CGD Rewind Record

Shaping participation- Children's and Teacher's Language Practice in Linguistically Diverse Early Childhood Education and Care

Researchers involved: Marie Rickert (PhD Candidate), supervised by:
Leonie Cornips, Christine Arnold, Gunther De Vogelaer
Funding body: European Union's Horizon 2020
More information: Project website


The Critical Visitor: Intersectional Approaches for Rethinking & Retooling Accessibility and Inclusivity in Heritage Spaces

Researchers involved:Eliza Steinbock (project lead)
Hester Dibbits (co-researcher based at Reinwardt Academy/Erasmus University)
Dirk van den Heuvel (co-researcher based at TU Delft/Het Nieuwe Instituut)
Liang-kai Yu (PhD candidate)
Noah Littel (PhD candidate)
Duration of the project:2020-2025
Funding body:NWO Smart Culture
Public partners:Research Centre for Material Culture & National Museum for World Cultures
IHLIA LGBT+ Heritage, Atria: Knowledge institute on gender equality and women’s history
Van Abbemuseum, Imagine-IC, Studio i Platform for inclusive culture/Stedelijk Museum
Amsterdam Museum,
The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision
Eye Film Museum, Het Nieuwe Instituut, ARIAS
Amsterdam University of the Arts
Critical investigator

Well-being, Women, and Work in Ethiopia

Researchers involved:Valentina Mazzucato (principal investigator)
Kai Jonas (co-principal investigator)
Anja Krumeich (co-principal investigator)
Bilisuma Dito (project manager)
Elsje Fourie (post-doctoral researcher),
Konjit H. Gudeta (post-doctoral researcher)
Karen Schelleman-Offermans (post-doctoral researcher)
Duration of the project2019-2023
Funding body:NWO-WOTRO, Maastricht University
Public partners:ECDMP - The Centre for Africa-Europe Relations
Sustainable Trade Initiative
More information:Project website


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Research projects