Our education portfolio
We offer a variety of courses and majors in Accounting as well as Information Management in the Bachelors of Science (BSc) in Economics and Business Economics and International Business. We further contribute with different specialisations in the Master of Science (MSc) in International Business, including a a part-time MSc in Accounting and Control, and offer an extensive range of post-graduate and executive education programmes in Auditing and Finance & Control to obtain a license as Registered Accountant or Registered Controller. Next to that, our department also actively participates in the MSc in Financial Economics, Business Intelligence and Smart Services, and Fiscal Economics, which has been ranked as 1st in its category in the national Keuzegids ranking 2019.
Teaching excellence
Our department members have repeatedly received awards for excellent teaching and guided students to winning UM best thesis awards. By utilising our professional experience and applying our internationally highly-recognised academic research, we offer an ideal combination of theory-driven and practically-relevant teaching to prepare our students for the job market. During our small-scale ‘international classroom’ tutorials, we place substantial value on fostering your interpersonal skills. Giving a presentation, leading a discussion group, or simply giving feedback will become an integral part of your future job, and we provide you with a safe place to test out and develop your skills. And by participating in the Thesis-Internship Programme (TIP), we already bring you close to practice before you are out of the door.
Your career path
...in Accounting
When thinking about accounting, many people may make an instant association between accounting and bookkeeping. Yet, it is much more: a background in accounting opens up many career opportunities, especially due to its close ties with finance and business. Apart from traditional accounting jobs such as accounting clerk, management or forensic accountant, and auditor, an accounting major can be much more flexible than you would expect and provide substantial advantages when competing in the job market.
An accounting degree can perfectly prepare you for a career in finance as financial analysts. Financial analysts are responsible for assessing financial performance of firms for credit ratings or stock and bond valuation.
Moreover, accounting graduates can work as budget analysts and financial controllers, and manage a firm’s finance and budgeting functions. Those entry positions equip accounting graduates with knowledge and experience for further promotion to the director and CFO or CEO level. Likewise, governmental institutions such as oversight and standard-setting bodies require a background in accounting. Even law enforcement agencies regularly recruit accountants to lead and facilitate investigations into financial crimes.
...in Information Management
Information management is at the heart of the modern organisation. In fact, most organisations in developed countries would grind to a hold without the constant support of their information systems. Information technologies keep organisations running but are increasingly also the catalyst that enable them to change and adapt to changing environments. Understanding and managing these technologies in a strategic, productive and ethical way is thus one of the most crucial challenges faced by organisations today.
The Information Management programme prepares you to understand the technical infrastructure of organisations as well as how this infrastructure can be used to support the business side of the organisation.
You will develop hands-on knowledge with respect to business process analysis, process automation and data analytics, while also keeping in mind the bigger picture by becoming knowledgeable about the governance of IT and knowledge. These skills will prepare you for a host of different positions in today’s economy, ranging from jobs in IT consultancy, to technical jobs such as business architect and process analyst, and more managerial positions such as chief process officer or CIO.
Study outline
Take a look at examples of the 2023-2024 curricula for our BSc, MSc and pre-master programmes, as well as current course descriptions.
- BSc Economics and Business Economics / Major Accounting or Information Management
- BSc International Business / Major Accounting or Information Management
- MSc International Business / Accounting and Business Information Technology
- MSc International Business / Accounting and Control (part-time, Dutch)
- MSc International Business / Managerial Decision-Making and Control (former Controlling)
- MSc International Business / Information Management and Business Intelligence
- Pre-master International Business / Accounting and Business Information Technology
- Pre-master International Business / Accounting and Control
- Pre-master International Business / Managerial Decision-Making and Control
- Pre-master International Business / Information Management and Business Intelligence
- Pre-master Business Intelligence and Smart Services
Take a look at the stories of our alumni!
Are you interested in gathering and interpreting financial information that will help your company make better business decisions? Do you want to interpret financial data to determine how many products your company should make? Figure out what information is relevant for your investors? Or do you want to become a registered auditor? Then the specialisation in Accounting and Business Information Technology (former Accountancy) is right for you! Accounting isn’t just number crunching and ledgers; it's the backbone of any organisation, at the centre of some of the most important business and finance decisions.
Just like Marc, you will experience that the Master in Managerial Decision-Making and Control (former Controlling) sharpens your skills in several dimensions. You train your investigative ability to find out where bottlenecks occur in the value creation chain. You use your communication skills to get involved with different parts of your organisation to understand everyone’s contribution to the process. You are relying on your creative skills to work out a solution, and sound it with the C-suite to eventually implement measures that bring organisational success to the next level!
For more detailed information on the programmes that we offer and contribute to, you can find the official programme websites below. PLEASE NOTE: the MSc Accountancy and MSc Controlling are changing names, effective as of September 2020.
Master programmes
- MSc International Business / Accounting and Business Information Technology
- MSc International Business / Accounting and Control (part-time, Dutch)
- MSc International Business / Managerial Decision-Making and Control
- MSc International Business / Information Management and Business Intelligence
- MSc Digital Business & Economics
- MSc Business Intelligence & Smart Services
- Pre-master International Business
Postgraduate education
- Executive Master of Finance and Control (EMFC) (Dutch)
- International Executive Master of Finance and Control (iEMFC)
- Maastricht University Opleiding Register Accountant (MURA) (Dutch)
- Opleiding Business Control (part-time, Dutch)
- Opleiding voor aankomende Toezichthouders (Dutch)
- International Executive Master of Auditing (IEMA)
- Continuing Professional Education for Finance & Control Professionals (Dutch)
- Continuing Professional Education for Board Members (Dutch)