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Department of Accounting and Information Management (AIM)

Research institutes

The Department of Accounting and Information Management (AIM) is committed to innovative high quality education, life-time learning, and research. It enjoys an excellent global reputation due to its international orientation, strong research focus, and impact.

A word of welcome from our Chair

Our department AIM offers a stimulating research and learning environment. We strive to remain at the top in terms of our research and are eager to pass this knowledge on to our students and other participants of our different educational programmes.

A number of our department colleagues received several important awards and grants for their research and teaching, indicating the high quality of their work. In addition, we as department feel committed to the global academic community. In that respect, many of us serve on editorial boards of leading journals, and fulfill senior roles in different organisations. Our department has been host of some prestigious research conferences in the recent past (Annual Meeting of the European Accounting Association, 2016; 2nd Conference of the European Network for Experimental Accounting Research).

The department AIM is heavily involved in lifelong learning and offers programmes at the Bachelor, the Master and Postgraduate level. Our teaching programmes have undergone a rigorous update and renewal in the last year, taking into accounting latest technological developments, and we are happy to offer our students state-of-the-art educational programmes in our Bachelor, Master and Postgraduate courses. 

We hope we can welcome you soon to our friendly and stimulating environment as student or (visiting) colleague soon. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Brüggen 

Our Mission

The Department of Accounting and Information Management (AIM) strives to advance and disseminate high-quality research and provide excellence in education. We strongly interact with the community to build professional relationships of mutual value. In our research and education, we address societal challenges and make wide use of the latest technology.

Our Values

We are passionate about accounting and information management and love to educate, share and discuss our research insights with students and other stakeholders. We encourage the international exchange of knowledge and are frequent host of international visitors. Members of AIM appreciate diversity in all aspects and strive for a welcoming and respectful workplace with highest ethical standards. We consider own personal development as crucial for every member of our department and acknowledge and respect different and diverse career paths.

Alexander Bruggen

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