Logging processes
Every WMO study at CAPHRI should keep a logbook. For non-WMO studies we strongly recommend keeping a logbook or other record of research decisions, such as minutes of meetings.
To ensure that essential decisions, queries and solutions are registered in a legible, durable and retrievable way at the time they are made, a logbook is required that is kept from the start until the end of the research. A logbook records the steps and activities you take to complete a project. However, it also records changes and what you did to overcome any unexpected results.
If you are not keeping a formal logbook for a non-WMO project, ensure that all important decisions and events at project meetings are minuted. These minutes should be stored during the project and archived at the end of a project to ensure a record of project decisions. Minutes should not contain any personal information (for example regarding PhD students).
NB we make a distinction between a logbook and a syntax; a logbook is to record the general processes of the study and the syntax is for all steps in the statistical analysis process (see Analyses and syntaxes).
About the Logbook
The logbook is like a scientific journal and should be compiled and updated on a regular basis by the responsible researcher. This enables you to monitor the progress and decision-making processes during the study performed. The principal investigator will audit regularly if the logbook is kept up to date and meets the minimal requirements. The logbook is stored on the UM/MUMC+ server, possibly with access for the study team.
Logbook entry
A minimum requirement includes the entry of the following data: date, description of important moments, decisions and solutions / actions undertaken by who.
Example of logbook data entry table
The example of the logbook data entry table provided below is not a complete logbook and should be taken as a demonstration of possibilities.
Date | Description of moment | Decision | Action | Who |
01-10-2018 | Preparation study | Ask for ethical approval | Protoocol submitted to the ethical committee | PI |
15-11-2018 | Data collection | CEO approved participation of the organization | PhD | |
01-01-2019 | Data entry | Enter data in SPSS | Create SPSS file | PhD |
02-02-2019 | Data analysis | Consult expert | Call statistician to make an appointment | PhD |
06-05-2019 | Publication | Submission approved by supervisor | Electronic submission in Journal XXX | PhD |