Key Collaborations and Partnerships

MHeNs covers a wide range of translational research activities in neuroscience and mental health in close integration with the Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+) and in partnership with FPN and other faculties of the University as well as many clinical, research and industrial partners.

MHeNs Partnerships | Neurocampus Maastricht  

Hersen en Zenuw Centrum (Brain and Nerve Centre MUMC+)

The collaboration with MUMC+ is now firmly embedded in the Brain and Nerve Centre (Hersen en Zenuwcentrum, HzC, formerly Neuro-Intervention Centre), led by Professor Yasin Temel. 

CIN (Centre for Integrative Neuroscience)

The Centre for Integrative Neuroscience at Maastricht University is a collaboration between the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN), the Mental Health and Neuroscience Research Institute (MHeNs) at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Science (FHML), the School of Business and Economics (SBE), and the Maastricht University Center of Neuroeconomics (MU-CEN) at SBE. CIN provides an overarching umbrella for expertise, infrastructure, and research lines in order to strengthen the inter-faculty research cooperation. CIN PhD students work across faculties with joint supervisory teams from MHeNs, FPN and SBE. 

EURON (Graduate school)

MHeNs coordinates the European Graduate School of Neuroscience. EURON is an International research and training network of seven universities in Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In addition, EURON has associations with universities in Greece and Turkey. 

Research quality assurance system

Every 6 years, in accordance with the Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP) 2021-2027, MHeNs prepares a self-evaluation and is evaluated and assessed during a visitation by an independent External Review Committee (ERC). Halfway through the six-year period, a so-called Midterm or internal self-evaluation is drawn up. In addition to these SEP reviews, internal Planning & Control discussions between the Board and MHeNs form the basis for the internal research quality assurance system and its monitoring. An important part of these discussions is the alignment between MHeNs and the Board of FHML regarding the strategic choices and/or policy changes for the coming years.

Together with the other neuroscience research schools in the Netherlands we sponsor the Annual Meeting of the Dutch Neuroscience Association/ Neurofederatie.

  More information:

Interreg Projects

Interreg Euregio Maas-Rijn

Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland

Other Collaborating Partners

Some successful MHeNs collaborative centres and research programmes with high societal impact:

International Partnerships

Based in Maastricht, MHeNs collaborates with leading research institutes on various continents around the world: 

    The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) is a multidisciplinary institute for patient care and academic pursuit in the field of mental health and neurosciences. MHeNs is one of the partners NIMHANS has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with to promote collaborative research and academic programmes in the field of Mental Health and Neurosciences for mutual benefit. 
  • Interdem Academy
    Interdem is a pan-European network of researchers collaborating in research on and dissemination of Early, Timely and Quality Psychosocial Interventions in Dementia aimed at improving the quality of life of people with dementia and their supporters, across Europe.

Inter-institutional Umbrella Agreements

MHeNs has established collaboration agreements with several universities resulting, amongst others, in jointly supervised PhD student research projects:

  • Within the framework of EURON joint doctorates are offered with Hasselt University (Belgium) and the University of Luxembourg
  • University of Genoa, Italy
  • University of Würzburg, Germany
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
  • International research doctorate in Neonatology with the Università degli Studi Gabriele d'Annunzio,  Chieti-Pescara, Italy