MHeNs Research Division Structure
The key role of the three research divisions of MHeNs
The three divisions of MHeNs are of great importance for MHeNs and its research infrastructure and community of researchers. They ensure our integrated approach among the various disciplines in Neuroscience, Behavioural Science, Bioinformatics and the wider areas of Medicine and Life Sciences. Each of the divisions brings together researchers from different departments and a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds and fosters interdisciplinary research and education through regular seminars, workshops, training events and other means of academic interaction.
At the division level, the division leader directs all research projects and educational activities at the level of the division. Within the divisions, senior researchers in the position of assistant, associate and full professor lead a group of researchers on a specific theme. The divisions have their own division structure with research and expert groups.

The purpose of the divisions is to join forces to coordinate and stimulate research within MHeNs and to structure it and to promote international cooperation by:
Promoting and coordinating interdisciplinary research within MHeNs as a leading research school in diverse fields and disciplines and throughout the research chain from basic fundamental research to translational research.
To take responsibility for the practical usefulness and exploitation of the research in all these areas and disciplines promoting communication between researchers (trans- and multidisciplinary) in the various research lines, PI groups, departments and other collaborating partners in research and promoting national and international collaboration and PhD programmes.
Maintaining close contact with clinicians at MUMC, particularly the Brain and Nerve Centre and the Centre for Ophthalmology, and many other national and international clinical centres of excellence.
The MHeNs divisions have a shared mission to provide inspiring and innovative research environments for both junior and senior researchers and to promote the development of scientific knowledge and collaboration.