IGIR reporter

IGIR’s ambition is to conduct pioneering research in international economic law (trade, intellectual property and investment) addressing problems and challenges resulting from the process of economic globalization. The IGIR Reporter provides news items, blogs and reports on research and education in this field with the view to provide information on how trust in trade can be maintained in a fast-changing world.



IGIR blogs

AI-assisted consumer: Is the proposed European Artificial Intelligence Act ready to embrace ChatGPT?

ChatGPT’s rapid virality sparks both enthusiasm for using the product and concerns about consumer protection. Protecting consumers in the age of AI was also a central topic at the AI-Assisted consumer seminar, co-organized by MaRBLe, GLaw-Net, and IGIR.


AI tools as trustworthy public interest technologies under recent EU legislative instruments

Technological developments challenge consumer protection in the digital sphere. One adaptation that could make the digital environment become safer and more trustworthy is to provide consumers with explanations of AI-based algorithm mechanisms used by intermediary platforms.

Artificial Intelligence

MaRBLe Seminar on AI-assisted Consumers: Shedding Light on Dark Patterns

How does EU consumer laws address dark patterns on the Internet? This topic has been part of the scholarly debate during the panel discussion “The AI-assisted consumer”, organized on 6 December 2022 in collaboration with Glaw-Net and IGIR.

dark patterns

Digital Vulnerability of the AI-Assisted Consumers

The widespread use of AI-assisted technologies in the digital sphere has given rise to the concept of digital vulnerability, as a contextual vulnerability experienced by internet users. This phenomenon sparks debate about whether the current legislative framework is sufficient to ensure effective...

artificial intelligence

Computer-Implemented Inventions: has the term “invention” in the EPC lost its meaning?

The European Patent Convention defines subject-matter that is not eligible for patent protection, such as methods for doing business. However, when implemented by a computer, non-eligible subject matter becomes eligible for patent protection. Is this desirable?


IGIR events

 Past IGIR and IPKM events