Recent IGIR publications

Local Content Requirements in WTO Law: Between Free Trade and the Right to Development

De Lima Figueiredo, N. (2022). Local Content Requirements in WTO Law: Between Free Trade and the Right to Development . [Doctoral Thesis, Maastricht University, Universidade de São Paulo]

Figueiredo cover

Intellectual Property and International Dispute Resolution

Kamperman Sanders, A., & Heath, C. (Eds.) (2019). Kluwer Law International. IEEM Series on International Intellectual Property Law Vol. 10

The Innovation Society and Intellectual Property

Kamperman Sanders, A., & Drexl, J. (Eds.) (2019). The Innovation Society and Intellectual Property.

25 Years of the TRIPS Agreement: Past, Present, Future

Kamperman Sanders, A., & Heath, C. (Eds.) (2022). 25 Years of the TRIPS Agreement: Past, Present, Future.

Essentials of WTO Law

Van den Bossche, P., & Prévost, D. (2021). Essentials of WTO Law (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108878845

Recent IGIR PhD theses

A Pragmatic Approach to the Link to Origin: EU PDOS and PGIS for Registration, Innovation and Trade in Origin Products

Crupi, M. (2022). A Pragmatic Approach to the Link to Origin: EU PDOS and PGIS for Registration, Innovation and Trade in Origin Products.

Game clones and copyright infringement: a comparative study of judicial practices in the US, Japan and China

Wang, X. (2022). Game clones and copyright infringement: a comparative study of judicial practices in the US, Japan and China.

National Policy Space in the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services: With Special Reference to Public Health Services

Nishara Manique Mendis. National Policy Space in the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services: With Special Reference to Public Health Services

The Caribbean Community Preferential Trade Agreement: Is there a legal obligation to create trade?

Avila, G. T., The Caribbean Community Preferential Trade Agreement: Is there a legal obligation to create trade? (2019)


The Development of the Multilateral Trade Regime: Exploring Institutional Change

W. Giernalczyk, The Development of the Multilateral Trade Regime: Exploring Institutional Change, Wolfgang Giernalczyk (2018)

IGIR publications