Your poster in the spotlight at the annual CAPHRI Research Day 2023

On June 7, 2023, the annual CAPHRI Research Day will take place. Every year, a PhD-session is organized where our PhD candidates are invited to present their excellent research. This year we have decided to re-install the traditional CAPHRI PhD poster session, where you are invited to take the stage and present your research to the CAPHRI scientific community.

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for our annual CAPHRI day. These abstracts can either pertain to research in progress or completed research and you are free to select the option that fits best.

How to submit your abstract?

You can develop your abstract by adding all details to the fixed templates for both options. Please download the instructions with template here. Your completed abstract can be submitted via email to

What will happen with your abstract?

All submitted abstracts will be shared with our CAPHRI Science Committee, which will then evaluate both form (meeting the format) and content aspects (level of scientific quality and societal relevance). Based on the evaluation of the Committee, the best 36 abstracts (4-8 per Research Line) will be selected and these PhD candidates will be invited to develop a poster, which is displayed and presented during the CAPHRI PhD Poster Session. The best poster and presentation of the day will be awarded!

What are important deadlines?

The deadline for submitting your abstract is April 16th 2023. On May 18th we will inform you via email about the evaluation and selection of your abstract. And, finally, on June 7th we hope to welcome you during our annual CAPHRI Research Day.

Are you ready to take the stage? Good luck and we look forward to receiving many abstracts!  

All the best,

Also on behalf of the CAPHRI Science Committee,
Chantal Claessens (PhD Administrative coordinator)
Francine Schneider (PhD Community coordinator)
Sabina Bulic (Managing Director)
Silvia Evers (Scientific Director)

Important deadlines:

Submit your abstract:  April 16th 2023
CAPHRI Research Day: June 7th 2023