Banners and flags

In the past, banners were often randomly nailed to Maastricht University's historic buildings. These announcements for Open Days or the Dies Natalis, for example, did not fit in with Maastricht city council's policy for fixing announcements to historic buildings in the city centre.

As UM feels it needs this type of announcement, the university's Facility Services (FS) has come up with an alternative in consultation with the city council. Inspired by the past, it has chosen to put up banners that fit in aesthetically with the historic city centre's image.

For each university building, one or more places have now been designated where banners may be attached. The banner format and fastening method have also been laid down. The banners may not be hung for indefinite periods; Facility Services has made agreements with the city council on duration and frequency.

Standard banners

Standard banners as shown below are already available for annual events such as Open Days, the Dies Natalis celebration, the opening of the academic year, etc.


Design of new banners
In consultation with the House Style Office you can ask The Creative Hub/Canon (the preferred supplier) to design or make up new banners. The Creative Hub/Canon has all the information needed for each building.

Attaching banners
All banners will be attached by Facility Services, which you can contact through the FD front office.

Which buildings can banners be attached to?
Click on the addresses below to view the number of banners per building, formats and exact attachment location(s).


New design
In August 2018, all old flags were replaced by flags with a new design. This design is a combination of the logo and all corporate colors. The flags were produced in collaboration with Facility Services.

There are two types of flags: a regular flag and a rectangle flag banner. Separate flags have been created in the same style for the Campus Brussels and Campus Venlo.

In the Library of the publishing platform, a number of images are available for both types of flags.
