NP&PP People
Below you will find all members of the Department of Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology. The department is lead by dr. Kim Kuypers.
- André Aleman
- Ryszard Auksztulewicz
- Caro Cools
- Antonio Criscuolo
- Jessica Bruijel
- Caroline van Heugten
- Hannah Honcamp
- Wenying (Cindy) Hou
- Petra Hurks
- Jill Kerckhoffs
- Esther Keulers
- Skye King
- Tongxin Liu
- Alan Bince Jacob
- Arjan Blokland
- Semmy op den Camp
- Mauro Cavarra
- Eline Haijen
- Demi Havermans
- Pim Heckman
- Lilian Kloft
- Janine Kox
- Kim Kuypers, Head of the department
- Katharina Lege
- Pablo-Alexandre Mallaroni
- Rob Markus
- Conny Quaedflieg
- Jan Ramaekers
- Koen Raijer
- Johannes Reckweg
- Sarah Roche
- Rudy Schreiber
- Sjacko Sobczak
- Eef Theunissen
Zeus Tipado
Iva Totomanova
- Hailey (Hongyu) Zhao