Vision and Ophthalmology


Research theme: Cell Biology & Genetics
Clinical pillar: Vision and Ophthalmology 

The eye and the optic nerve provide the brain with visual information. Our research focuses on the optic nerve (involved in glaucoma) and the anterior segment of the eye (cataract, corneal dystrophies). Cell Biology and Genetics are employed in order to better diagnose and characterize patients, develop new, personal treatments, and restore function by transplantation or regeneration.

Unique contributions and highlights

The Eye Tissue Bank Maastricht stores clinical data and biomaterial of > 1500 patients. This material is used to study pathogenesis, to find biomarkers and to develop new treatments. Eye tissues are generated from patient material via iPSCs and adult stem cells and will be used for disease modeling and transplantation.

Eye and Brain illustration by Jurre Blom.