Metro People

METRO staff

L.R.M. Siry

European Law

M. Wang

Onderzoekinstituut METRO

X. Xu

European Law

External Fellows

NameFunction & Expertise 
Dr. Luísa Cortat Simonetti GonçalvesAcademy of European Law (ERA), Trier (Germany)
Expertise: International Environmental Law, Plastic Pollution, Human Rights
Dr. Huizhen ChenAssociate Research Fellow at Sun Yat-sen University (China)
Expertise: Climate Change Policy
Dr. Ivana DamjanovicSenior Lecturer in Law at University of Canberra 
Expertise: International Investment Law, EU External Trade and Investment Law and Policy
Prof. Nicolas De SadeleerProfessor at Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles (Belgium)
Expertise: EU Law, Environmental Law
Dr. Kevine KindjiIndependent consultant
Expertise: International Food Trade
Dr. Mehdi Piri DamaghLecturer at Allameh Tabataba'i University (Tehran, Iran)
Expertise: International Energy Law
Dr. Gian Marco SolasLegal and Business Development Counsel at Omni Bridgeway (Amsterdam)
Expertise: Litigation Funding
Prof. dr. Jaap SpierProfessor of Comparative Aspects of Liability Insurance,
Honorary Professor Stellenbosch & University of Amsterdam
Dr. Taotao YueResearcher at Wuhan University (China)
Expertise: Sustainable Biofuels


Student Fellows (2024)

NameShort bio 
Douwe EnglishHaving completed a Bachelor's degree in Dutch law with a specialization in European and International law from the University of Groningen, Douwe is currently pursuing a Master's degree in European Law School at Maastricht University. Among other things, he has an interest in the subjects of Law and Economics, Arbitration, Environmental Law, and Competition Law. As a student fellow at METRO, Douwe will assist Professor Faure and Prof. Philipsen in carrying out their research activities. 
Marleen StevensMarleen completed a Bachelor's degree in European Law and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Globalisation and Law, with a specialization in Corporate and Commercial law. During the final year of her Bachelor's degree, she spent a full academic year at Vienna University, where she mostly studied International Law subjects. Next to her studies, she is a student member of the UM Board of Appeal for Examinations. She also interned at the Ministry of Justice and Security's Central Authority for International Legal Assistance for Criminal Matters. At METRO, she will mostly assist Prof. Faure and Prof. Philipsen.