Institute for Transnational Legal Research - METRO
Research institutes

Institute for Transnational Legal Research

METRO, the Institute for Transnational Legal Research (in Dutch: Maastrichts Europees instituut voor Transnationaal Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek), contributes to environmental law, tort law, competition law, and the economic analysis of law by executing high-quality research. Metro distinguishes itself for dedicated researchers in various fields of law.


METRO initiates and stimulates comparative and transboundary legal research and organizes conferences about various legal themes. Moreover, the institute publishes the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, one of the top three journals in this field in Europe and the Ius Commune Europaeum Book Series. METRO is active in the field of contract research, for example for the EU, OECD, national governments and associations of insurers.

Core research topics of METRO include environmental law (including climate change, one of the topics listed under the pillar of Global Justice), tort law & insurance, and competition & regulation. METRO is specialised in the economic analysis of law. In that respect, METRO research has been geared towards a variety of Institutional transformations, for example by analyzing smart mixes of regulation, and to the pillar of Globalising Markets, for example by examining competition law in emerging markets.

 Visit METRO's research


METRO’s research takes place
in the following pillars: 

1. Global Justice
2. Institutional Transformations
3. Globalising Markets 



More news items
  • Defense Haiyang Yu (2)

    PhD defence Haiyang Yu

    On 16 November 2023, METRO fellow Haiyang Yu successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title "Rethinking Environmental Salvage and Salvage Law: Towards an Efficient Mechanism for Environmental Emergency Response in Maritime Accidents?"

  • METRO introduced the extra-curricular course 'Introduction to Chinese Law' to the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University. The course is almost exclusively taught by Chinese (current and former) PhD researchers affiliated with the Faculty of Law and/or METRO. It will run from October until December...

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Ius Commune Research School

METRO facilitates the Ius Commune Research School, a cooperation between the law faculties of the Universities of Maastricht (UM), Utrecht (UU), Amsterdam (UvA), and Leuven (K.U. Leuven), focused on the realization of a Ius Commune in Europe. Management and secretariat of the Research School are located at METRO, and METRO oversees the Ius Commune Casebooks and publishes the Ius Commune Europaeum Books.

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+31 43 3883257