MACCH essentially thrives on the connections between academics and professionals from diverse backgrounds as they are represented in Maastricht. At the same time, MACCH is more than the sum of its local members. MACCH is firmly rooted in the Euregion and aims to reach out globally.
Steering Committee
Members | |
Dr Lydia Beerkens | Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg |
Dr Joop de Jong | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Rachel Pownall | School of Business and Economics |
Prof Nico Randeraad | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Christoph Rausch | Faculty of Science and Engineering |
Dr Vivian van Saaze | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Hildegard Schneider | Faculty of Law |
Prof Lars van Vliet | Faculty of Law |
Dr Donna Yates | Faculty of Law |

Dr Claartje Rasterhoff | Director |
Kulsoom Malik | Managing Assistant |
Researchers affiliated to MACCH
Name | Faculty/Institute |
Dr Monika Barget | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Lydia Beerkens | Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg |
Diana Berzina | Faculty of Law |
Prof Raf de Bont | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof. Leonie Cornips | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Christian Ernsten | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Iona Goldie-Scot MA | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof René de Groot | Faculty of Law |
Luuk Hoogstede | Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg |
Bronte Isabella | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Anna de Jong MA | Faculty of Law |
Dr Joop de Jong | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Anselm Kamperman Sanders | Faculty of Law |
Dirk van de Leemput MA | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof dr Joep Leerssen | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg |
Sophie Lei MA | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Università di Roma Tre |
Jiaqi Liang | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Noah Littel | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Flora Lysen | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Afra de Mars | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Kate Maguire Rosier | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Anke Moerland | Faculty of Law |
Gabriella Moretti | Faculty of Science and Engineering |
Irina Olevska | Faculty of Law |
Mareike Opeña | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Costas Papadopoulos | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Augustin Parise | Faculty of Law |
Prof Rachel Pownall | School of Business and Economics |
Prof Peter Peters | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Judith van Puyvelde | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg |
Prof Nico Randeraad | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg |
Dr Claartje Rasterhoff | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Christoph Rausch | Faculty of Science and Engineering |
Dr Annika Richterich | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Inge Römgens MA | Faculty of Science and Engineering |
Joris Roosen | Faculty of Science and Engineering / Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg |
Artemis Rüstau MA | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Sarah Schoenmaekers | Faculty of Law |
Kate Seymour MA | Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) |
Dr Vivian van Saaze | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Hildegard Schneider | Faculty of Law |
Prof Emilie Sitzia | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Tim Smith-Laing | School of Business and Economics |
Livia Solaro | Faculty of Law |
Caitlin Spangler-Bickell | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Veerle Spronck MSc | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Eliza Steinbock | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Paul Stewens | Faculty of Law |
Prof Renée van de Vall | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Lars van Vliet | Faculty of Law |
Dr Jo Wachelder | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Sandro Weilenmann | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Karin Wenz | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Sally Wyatt | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Donna Yates | Faculty of Law |
Liang-Kai Yu | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Former MACCH affiliated researchers
Name | Faculty/Institute |
Dr Barbara Beckers | Sociaal Historisch Centrum Limburg |
Dr Ana Bolz | Faculty of Law |
Dr Pieter Caljé | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Anouk Duivenvoorden | School of Business and Economics |
Dr Charlotte van Emstede | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Pieternel Fleskens MA | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Marina Gertsberg | School of Business and Economics |
Dr Amoury Groenen | Faculty of Law |
Dr Louis van den Hengel | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Ernst Homburg | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
René Hoppenbrouwers | Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg |
Dr Tim van der Heijden | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Annemieke Klijn | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Ad Knotter | Sociaal Historisch Centrum Limburg |
Prof Pip Laurenson | Tate, London, UK |
Dr Katja Lubina | Faculty of Law |
Dr Eslam Nofal | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Evangelina Psychogiopoulou | Faculty of Law |
Dr Ana Ramalho | Faculty of Law |
Dr Simone Schleper | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Hans Schouwenburg | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Vanessa Tünsmeyer | Faculty of Law |
Dr Nora Vaage | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Prof Valentina Vadi | Faculty of Law |
Prof Renee van de Vall | |
Dr Patricia de Vries | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Dr Ties van de Werff | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/HRHVResearch Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere (Zuyd Hogeschool) |
Dr Bart Zwegers | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences |
Visiting researchers
Claudia Lo Cascio (2024)
Claudia Lo Cascio is a PhD student in Criminal Law at the University of Bari Aldo Moro. Her work focuses on criminal law and cultural heritage, with particular attention to the illicit trafficking of archaeological artifacts and works of art and the threats posed by organized crime. Currently, she is exploring the impact of disorganized and opportunistic crime in the illicit trafficking of cultural objects.
This research closely aligns with the work of Dr. Donna Yates, as both are interested in understanding the dynamics of the illicit trade in cultural objects. Claudia's work analyzes the specific operational methods and threats posed by different forms of crime. Together with Donna, their research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon and its global implications.
If you are interested in this research or would like to collaborate with Claudia, please reach out to
Celina Greppler (2024)
Celina S. Lubahn Greppler is Schmittmann-Wahlen Scholar and researcher at the Institute for International Peace and Security Law at the University of Cologne. Her PhD project focusses on the violent appropriations of “ethnographica” during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the corresponding restitution claims thereafter (supervision: Prof. Claus Kreß). Here in Maastricht, she is working on the topic of plundering of cultural objects in German colonial territories in the period 1900-1918, from a legal-historical perspective. As a scholar of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, she graduated in Law at the University of Cologne (Staatsexamen) and received her BA in Philosophy from Saarland University. Her main areas of interest include international humanitarian law, international cultural heritage law, political philosophy, and the history of international law.