
MACCH essentially thrives on the connections between academics and professionals from diverse backgrounds as they are represented in Maastricht. At the same time, MACCH is more than the sum of its local members. MACCH is firmly rooted in the Euregion and aims to reach out globally.

Steering Committee

Dr Lydia BeerkensStichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg
Dr Joop de JongFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Rachel PownallSchool of Business and Economics
Prof Nico RanderaadFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Christoph RauschFaculty of Science and Engineering
Dr Vivian van SaazeFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Hildegard SchneiderFaculty of Law
Prof Lars van VlietFaculty of Law
Dr Donna YatesFaculty of Law
Steering Committee


Dr Claartje RasterhoffDirector
Kulsoom MalikManaging Assistant

Researchers affiliated to MACCH

Dr Monika BargetFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Lydia BeerkensStichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg
Diana BerzinaFaculty of Law
Prof Raf de BontFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof. Leonie CornipsFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Christian ErnstenFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Iona Goldie-Scot MAFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof René de GrootFaculty of Law
Luuk HoogstedeStichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg
Bronte IsabellaFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Anna de Jong MAFaculty of Law
Dr Joop de JongFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Anselm Kamperman SandersFaculty of Law
Dirk van de Leemput MAFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof dr Joep LeerssenFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg
Sophie Lei MAFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Università di Roma Tre
Jiaqi Liang Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Noah LittelFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Flora LysenFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Afra de MarsFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Kate Maguire RosierFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Anke MoerlandFaculty of Law
Gabriella MorettiFaculty of Science and Engineering
Irina OlevskaFaculty of Law
Mareike OpeñaFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Costas PapadopoulosFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Augustin PariseFaculty of Law
Prof Rachel PownallSchool of Business and Economics
Prof Peter PetersFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Judith van PuyveldeFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg
Prof Nico RanderaadFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences / Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg
Dr Claartje RasterhoffFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Christoph RauschFaculty of Science and Engineering
Dr Annika RichterichFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Inge Römgens MAFaculty of Science and Engineering
Joris RoosenFaculty of Science and Engineering / Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg
Artemis Rüstau MAFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Sarah SchoenmaekersFaculty of Law
Kate Seymour MAStichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL)
Dr Vivian van SaazeFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Hildegard SchneiderFaculty of Law
Prof Emilie SitziaFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Tim Smith-LaingSchool of Business and Economics
Livia SolaroFaculty of Law
Caitlin Spangler-BickellFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Veerle Spronck MScFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Eliza SteinbockFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Paul StewensFaculty of Law
Prof Renée van de VallFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Lars van VlietFaculty of Law
Dr Jo WachelderFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Sandro WeilenmannFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Karin WenzFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Sally WyattFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Donna YatesFaculty of Law
Liang-Kai YuFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Former MACCH affiliated researchers

Dr Barbara BeckersSociaal Historisch Centrum Limburg
Dr Ana BolzFaculty of Law
Dr Pieter CaljéFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Anouk DuivenvoordenSchool of Business and Economics
Dr Charlotte van EmstedeFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Pieternel Fleskens MAFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Marina GertsbergSchool of Business and Economics
Dr Amoury GroenenFaculty of Law
Dr Louis van den HengelFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Ernst HomburgFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
René HoppenbrouwersStichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg
Dr Tim van der HeijdenFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Annemieke KlijnFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Ad KnotterSociaal Historisch Centrum Limburg
Prof Pip LaurensonTate, London, UK
Dr Katja LubinaFaculty of Law
Dr Eslam NofalFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Evangelina PsychogiopoulouFaculty of Law
Dr Ana RamalhoFaculty of Law
Dr Simone SchleperFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Hans SchouwenburgFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Vanessa TünsmeyerFaculty of Law
Dr Nora VaageFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Prof Valentina VadiFaculty of Law
Prof Renee van de Vall 
Dr Patricia de VriesFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Ties van de WerffFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences/HRHVResearch Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere (Zuyd Hogeschool)
Dr Bart ZwegersFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences