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Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage

Research institutes

The Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH) is an interdisciplinary research centre that brings together economic, legal, (art) historical, philosophical, sociological and practical expertise to the context of arts and heritage. In response to the demands of the increasingly complex challenges facing the fields of arts and heritage today, MACCH initiates collaborative research projects with researchers, professionals, and students from diverse backgrounds. MACCH is a joint effort of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law, the School of Business and Economics, the Faculty of Science and Engineering (formerly Faculty of Humanities and Sciences), and the Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg (SHCL) and the Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL).



New in the Springer Book Series: Appropriating Sacred Spaces Heritage Politics in Myanmar by Clara Rellensmann

As part of the Springer Book Series 'Studies in Art, Heritage, Law and the Market', " Appropriating Sacred Spaces Heritage Politics in Myanmar" by Clara Rellensmann is now available. 


Call for Contributions for Regenerate! Workshop 20 & 21 March 2024. Deadline for contributions: 15 Nov 2024

Regenerate! a two-day workshop on the eco-systemic turn in material research and heritage practices, taking place on 20 & 21 March 2025 at the Jan Van Eyck Academy in Maastricht. This workshop brings together creative use of new or old materials with current material developments in the preservation...


T. rex Fossils as Disruptive Objects - Article by Donna Yates & Emily Peacock

Article  "T. rex is Fierce, T. rex is Charismatic, T. rex is Litigious: Disruptive Objects in Affective Desirescapes" by Donna Yates and Emily Peacock presenting T. rex fossils as disruptive objects that can drastically influence the actions and reactions of humans that encounter them.


New project on the protection of archeological sites: REVITALISER, with Donna Yates

The Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence (ECoE), a leading research institution based in Limassol (Cyprus) received funding under the Twinning Bottom-Up scheme of the EC WIDERA program for the innovative REVITALISER project. The REVITALISER project, titled “Preventive Protection of Archaeological Sites...


Christian Ernsten and Claartje Rasterhoff receive funding from CLICK NL for their REACCT research project on regenerative building practices

Research, Education and Action Lab into Collective and Circular Transformation (REACCTis a new research project (2024-2027) developed together with Huis Veendam-Dynaplak, a design and biochemical company that produces, recycles and designs with renewable materials. 


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