The Imaging Mass Spectrometry CORE Lab

The IMS CORE Lab is an open research platform collaborating with internal research groups of the University of Maastricht and external scientists from other universities, research centres or private companies.

Our mission is to provide service, training, support and access to the state of the art MS imaging and proteomic technologies to the biological, pharmaceutical and medical research communities.

The IMS CORE (collaborative open research and educational) facility provides a full MS infrastructure for the analysis of the spatial distribution of drugs, metabolites, lipids, peptides, proteins and glycans.

 We are located at FHML at Maastricht University.

Expertise and techniques

  • Cryo-sectioning
  • Robotic matrix application
  • Sublimation matrix application
  • On tissue protein and glycan digestion
  • On tissue derivatization
  • High throughput MALDI imaging
  • High spatial resolution MALDI imaging
  • High mass resolution MALDI and DESI imaging
  • MALDI 2-postionization for drug and small molecule analysis

  • Ion mobility separation
  • Isomeric resolution by ozone‐induced dissociation
  • Data dependent imaging acquisition for automated spatially resolved lipid identification
  • Nano-ToF-SIMS for biomolecular imaging at single cell level
  • i-Knife technology for real time tissue classification

  • Laser microdissection capabilities
  • Liquid extraction surface analysis technology
  • Protein extraction, quantification and digestion
  • Label free proteomics
  • Native MS
  • Advanced bioinformatics tools

Courses and Workshops

We offer continuing training to users and guest researchers, from sample preparation, to instrumentation and data analysis.

We regularly organise workshops with theory and hands-on sessions with the support of MS vendors.

Contact for support, pricing and booking