M4I Division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry
Developing and applying state-of-the-art mass spectrometry based molecular imaging approaches for nanomedicine and biomedical research, including mass spectrometry as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for personalized medicine in oncology, neurology and cardiovascular medicine.
The M4I Division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry is one of the world leaders in high resolution molecular imaging of biological surfaces. The division targets the development and application of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry based molecular imaging approaches for biomedical cellular and tissue research. Main research aim for the coming years is to develop and apply mass spectrometry as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for personalized medicine.
M4I’s scientists will be involved in teaching at a bachelor's, master's and PhD level, within the University College Maastricht, the Maastricht Science Programme, Imaging Engineering and various programmes within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
The M4I imaging MS laboratories - a virtual tour
Join Prof. Ron M.A. Heeren for a virtual guided tour through the imaging mass spectrometry laboratories of M4I. You wil get some insights in the breadth of high end, mass spectrometry based molecular imaging infrastructure in the labs.
Perhaps a place where you would like to an internship or pursue a career in molecular imaging!
If you are interested, please send your cv and motivation letter to h.schott@maastrichtuniversity.nl