
M4i-IMS participates in the educational activities of UM through the Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences (FHML) and the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE). This take the form of classroom roles, such as lectures and tutorials, longitudinal mentorship roles, and research-based learning where students undertake independent research activities within the lab. In addition, we are actively involved in planning of new courses within new programs such as the Maastricht Sciences Program (MSP), Biomedical Sciences Bachelor and Master (BBS and MBS), Circular Engineering Bachelor (CE), and Masters of Imaging Engineering (MIE). We specialize in teaching mass spectrometry, data analytics, bioinformatics, imaging, instrumentation, biology, biomedicine, and chemistry and are also involved in engineering and physics courses.

Specific courses M4i-IMS is involved with include (bold indicates that an M4i staff member is involved in the coordination of the course):

Number          Name                                                  Program

BIO1101          Introduction to Biology                      MSP

BIO3004          Animal Behavior                                 MSP

BIO3010          Genomics & Proteomics                     MSP

CHE1101         Introduction to Chemistry                  MSP

INT2010         Principles of mass spectrometry         MSP

PHY1101         Introduction to Physics                       MSP

PHY2001         Classical Mechanics                            MSP

CHE2004         Spectroscopy                                      MSP

PRA2005         Practical Skills                                     MSP

PRA2020         Practical Skills                                     MSP

SCI3050           Advances in Biomedical Sciences       UCM

MIE1001        Molecular Imaging and Engineering  MIE

MIE1003        Molecules and Structures                    MIE

MIE1004        Imaging Informatics                           MIE

PRO4004        Research and Engineering Project I    MIE

MIE1005        Optics and Vacuum Systems               MIE

MIE1007        Advanced Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence         MIE

MIE1009        Detectors and Electronics                   MIE

MIE1011        Mass Spectrometry Imaging              MIE

PRO4005        Research and Engineering Project II   MIE

MIE2002        Process Analytical Technologies         MIE

MIE5000        Master Thesis Research                      MIE

CEN2005        Imaging Engineering                          CE

SKI2112         Signal Processing and Control Skills   CE

BBS1021          Academic Communication                 BBS

BBS-MEN        BBS Mentoring                                    BBS

BBS2003        Non-invasive Techniques in Biomedical Research     BBS

BBS2061        Systems Biology                                 BBS

BBS3004        CORE of BBS                                       BBS

MBS1005         Designing Scientific Research            MBS

MBS1007         MBS Mentoring                                   MBS

MBS1002         Biomedical Approaches                      MBS

MBS1501       Pre-clinical Imaging                           MBS

MBS1502       Clinical Imaging                                  MBS

As of September 2022, the Masters of Imaging Engineering (MIE) at FSE has begun. M4i is actively developing and teaching courses in this new masters with two personalized tracks emphasizing either the molecular engineering needs of imaging engineering or the instrumentation engineering needs of imaging engineering. The research-based-learning (RBL) and problem-based-learning (PBL) of the MIE program, when combined with the beyond-state-of-the-art infrastructure at M4i lead to a program where students do more than learn – they actively participate in groundbreaking research in methods of imaging that may be found in only a few other places worldwide.

As of September 2017, the Master’s programme Biomedical Sciences of FHML will be rejuvenated. M4i is actively contributing to the development of this new multidisciplinary curriculum and building up the courses of the new Specialisation “Imaging from Molecule to man”.

Visualising the key (molecular) players at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ levels is essential to understand their role in health and disease. Because “a picture is worth a thousand words”, the goal of this specialisation is to introduce the fascinating interdisciplinary field of medical and research imaging methods and to prepare the students for a future in a technology-driven multidisciplinary biomedical research and translational environment.

All IMS-staff members have or are on track to get their UTQ-certification.


Students interested in undertaking a research project within M4I-IMS
should contact Dr. Ian Anthony.
