EU General Data Protection Regulation
DPO Professional University Certificate (ECPC-B DPO)

What you will learn
This is a specialised four-days hands-on training focused on privacy risk management enabling participants to acquire the must-know knowledge and the “do’s and don’ts” in order to efficiently perform the role and tasks of data protection officer (DPO) under the GDPR. 

The training provides you:
  an in depth insight of the GDPR  and all implementation obligations;
  a step-by-step plan and checklist to put in place the necessary privacy compliant data protection and information security policies in your organisation;
  guidance in the most cost-effective and efficient ways to comply with the GDPR.

Who should attend
 people already involved in data protection and privacy with either a legal data protection ór information security background who wish to obtain a Professional DPO Certification, for example newly appointed DPO's, security officers, compliance officers, HR/IT/Marketing staff dealing with personal data ...

To attend this course it is required to have obtained the Jump-Start certificate. This is usually offered in combination.

Programme details and 2025 courses

Certificate validity

Privacy and data protection issues change continuously; for this reason, our training courses focus on giving you the right methodology at hand to perform professionally and effectively as a DPO. Nevertheless, it is important to keep yourself ahead and update your knowledge regularly. Therefore, the DPO Professional University Certificate (ECPC-B DPO) is valid for a first period of two years. After this initial period of two years, you will need to prove the following every two years in order to maintain the validity of your certification:

  • Completion of at least 10 hours of ECPC training on data protection related issues, seminars, workshops or webinars*. Or
  • 10 hours of academic teaching or speaking in public at conferences/events about data protection topics of the ECPC exam blueprint. Or
  • Publishing at least 10,000 words of publicly accessible research-based material (e.g. papers, articles, newsletters…) related to the data protection topics of the ECPC exam blueprint. Materials published for purposes internal to a certified person’s organization are not eligible.

* when choosing for ECPC training, the extension of your certificate is included in the participation fee. When choosing one of the other options to maintain the validity of your certificate, we will charge an administrative fee of EUR 475.

The following ECPC courses are suitable for re-validating your ECPC-B DPO Certification:

Obtain your ‘Maastricht University Professional Certificate ECPC-B DPO’
On completion of the course, you can take part in the examination which consists of a MCQ test, a graded group assignment and a written / oral final exam. Experience our unique Maastricht University teaching methodology and become a certified DPO.