

A PhD trajectory at the School CAPHRI, is aimed at your development into a well-equipped, well-prepared and capable independent researcher ready to successfully defend your PhD thesis in public during the graduation ceremony that lasts for an hour.

End-terms for the PhD thesis

CAPHRI theses should be in accordance with the Regulation governing the attainment of doctoral degrees Maastricht University. The Regulation, model letters and the Declaration of scientific integrity to be sent to the Board of Deans at Minderbroedersberg 4-6, can be found here.

In each CAPHRI thesis, the following text should be included on one of the first pages:
The research presented in this thesis was conducted at CAPHRI Care and Public Health Research Institute, Department <name>, of Maastricht University. CAPHRI participates in the Netherlands School of Public Health and Care Research (CaRe).

Impact paragraph

The doctoral candidate must add an impact paragraph of 500 to 2,000 words to the thesis. This paragraph consists of a reflection, in layman’s terms (for a wide target group), on the scientific impact of the results of the research described in the thesis, as well as, if applicable, the social impact anticipated or already achieved. For the content of this paragraph please refer to the explanatory notes of the Regulations for obtaining a PhD at Maastricht University (annex 4, page 53).

Download the Regulations for obtaining a PhD at Maastricht University

The final thesis layout

You can layout the thesis yourself or you can ask any professional publisher for help; e.g. or  

Guide to the public defence of your thesis

A PhD Defence ceremony is a formal occasion with strict protocols governing each person’s role, responsibility, and even the language used. It all works a bit like a trial, hence the term ‘PhD defence’. If you are at the end of your trajectory you need to formally request permission for a public defense ceremony soon. The Maastricht University website offers a guide which helps you to prepare for your public defense. It includes a step-by-step overview of the admission process, videos of past PhD defenses and contact information.

You can also find a lot of information in the Regulations for obtaining a PhD at Maastricht University.

Go to the guide to the public defence of your thesis
Download the Regulations for obtaining a PhD at Maastricht University



In principle, PhD candidates cover the printing costs and the costs of the reception themselves. You are entitled to an allowance for printing and reception costs. Click here (intranet: login first) for the regulation, conditions and declaration form ("PhD ceremony allowance for PhD candidates"). The declaration form should be submitted to the Office of Academic Ceremonies.

Data storage

If you leave Maastricht University, please ensure that you appraise your research data, and take appropriate action. Check what the original ethic application or approval said, and the stipulations of any data management plan or contracts with other institutions. You may have to hand over custodianship of any data that will continue to be stored once you left to someone else within the research project team. Or you may have to ensure that data is destroyed if that's what was originally agreed. Please also see the guidelines of our Quality Assurance System on data management.

CAPHRI Dissertation Award

Approximately 55 to 60 CAPHRI PhD theses are defended on average per year. Many of the theses are of very high scientific quality. CAPHRI awards an annual CAPHRI Dissertation Award for the best PhD thesis defended in a particular year. The winner is announced at the annual CAPHRI Research Day.

Researchschool CaRe also awards an annual CaRe Award amongst the theses of the four involved institutions.