Organisational structure
Management board
Board of Research Line Chairs
School Office
School Council
PhD representatives
Advisory board
Board of Research Line Chairs
The Board of Research Line (RL) Chairs consists of the management board together with the research line chairs. The Board of RL Chairs provides accountability to the Management Board and acts as a sounding board, sparring partner and gatekeeper for School council issues. The RL chairs also hold the responsibility for the scientific and financial management of their RL.
Management Office
CAPHRI’s School Office provides support for individual researchers, departments and research lines on practical, administrative, legal and financial matters regarding all aspects of the research enterprise. This includes staff management (tenure, non-tenure & support staff), accounting, project acquisition and financial project management.
CAPHRI Funding Advisor
School Council
The School Council consists of the Management Board, Board of RL chairs, Head of Departments and Committee Chairs. Their responsibilities include: information of decisions and actions made by the RL- and managing boards, large strategic decisions, content specific presentations, active monitoring of proposed policy and financial accountability.
PhD representatives
The CAPHRI PhD representatives represent the interests of all PhD candidates in our institutes. In addition, they also organize formal and informal events for all CAPHRI PhD candidates to join and they communicate important information to our PhD community. This is the current team of representatives:
Advisory board
The advisory board acts as a sounding board for major School decisions and strategy, offering advice, external monitoring and connections to management.
- Prof.dr. Lex M. Bouter, Professor Emeritus of Methodology and Integrity, VU Amsterdam
- Dr. Roel Goffin, Lid Raad van Bestuur/COO Care/CFO Zuyderland Raad van Bestuur Zuyderland
- Prof.dr. Patrick Jeurissen, Professor in Fiscal Sustainable Health Care Systems at Radboudumc and Science Officer of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports
- Drs. Ellen Leers, Director Healthcare and Wellbeing, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
- Stefaan van der Spiegel, MD, MBA, Head of Sector, Health Innovation and Substances of Human Origin (DG SANTE), European Commission
- Prof. dr. Aura Timen, Professor of Primary and Community Care, Radboudumc
- Prof.dr. Julia van Weert, Professor of Health Communication, University of Amsterdam