Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award

Menno Knetsch was a dedicated biologist and biochemist who joined Maastricht University in 2001, where he focused on biomedical research and education. Menno coauthored over 50 scientific papers, he will be primarily remembered as a passionate and inspiring educator. Menno Knetsch played a vital role in the establishment of the UM master's program in Biobased Materials, serving as its first Program Director. Unfortunately, he passed away unexpectedly several years ago. Menno possessed exceptional teaching skills and had a profound impact on the future of numerous students, implementing his creative didactic ideas into innovative and high-quality educational programs.

In honor of our esteemed colleague and friend Menno Knetsch, the first Program Director of the Master Biobased Materials, we have established the Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award. This award aims to commemorate his legacy. The criteria for determining the best master thesis include the overall grade achieved, the contribution made to the scientific field of biobased materials and/or its practical application, as well as the level of innovation exhibited in the topic and the research context.

The prize consists of a €500 cheque generously provided by the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM).