Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award for Biobased Materials graduate

Last week it was graduation time! Six graduates received their well-deserved diplomas for the master’s programme in Biobased Materials. The graduation ceremony was held on 10 July in the beautiful building at the Minderbroedersberg, located in the city center of Maastricht.

Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award

During this ceremony the Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award has been handed out Ramiro Marroquín García. García received this award for his research on Biobased bioresorbable photo-curable poly (ester/carbonate) urethane acrylate resins for digital light processing 3D biofabrication.

Criteria for the best master thesis are:

  • Overall mark for the master thesis;
  • The contribution to the scientific domain of biobased materials and/or its application;
  • The innovative aspects of the topic, as well as the context in which the research was executed.

The prize is a cheque of € 500 and is made available by the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM). The award will yearly be handed out during the graduation ceremony of the master’s programme in Biobased Materials in July. This year prof. Dr. Stefan Jockenhövel (chairman, scientific director AMIBM) has been handing out the award to the winner. According to Prof. Dr. Stefan Jockenhövel, the signature of Menno Knetsch was really well visible in the winning thesis. Graduate Ramiro Marroquín García received the Menno Knetsch Master Thesis award for his research on Bio-based bioresorbable photo-curable poly (ester/carbonate) urethane acrylate resins for digital light processing 3D biofabrication: Synthesis, properties and potential biomedical applications. This research goes from molecular design to the product. Using biobased molecules, Ramiro synthesized novel materials compatible for 3D printing of potentially biomedical applications.

The Menno Knetsch Master Thesis Award is being set-up in the remembrance of our highly appreciated colleague and friend Menno Knetsch, the first Programme Director of the Master Biobased Materials.

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