Food Claims Centre Venlo (FCCV)

Food Claims Centre Venlo

Food Claims Centre Venlo (FCCV) is the knowledge centre for all questions related to nutrition and food law. FCCV focuses on all questions related to the legal demonstration of whether food is safe or healthy. By bringing together the food industry, policymakers and researchers from a wide variety of expertise areas, FCCV bridges the gap between nutritional science and food law.

What can FCCV do for you?

FCCV provides tailored, project-based knowledge of high scientific quality upon:

  • how to scientifically substantiate safety and healthiness of food products
  • how to be compliant with EU food law
  • what to expect from and how to deal with food policy developments

We perform research and advise SMEs and regulatory affairs professionals in the food industry on legal issues related to food safety and health, including new product development, product labelling requirements and effective marketing strategies.


No real beef with fake meat

Linsay Ketelings, a PhD candidate at UM’s Food Claims Centre Venlo, researches how marketing affects consumers’ perception of meat replacement products – with rather encouraging results.


Chocolate is the most widely eaten candy in the world. What makes it so irresistible?

Chocolate is the most widely eaten candy in the world. What makes it so irresistible? Two experts from Maastricht University share their knowledge.

Universiteit van Nederland

The R is in the month. Which vitamins should you take or not take?

The R is in the month, you are tired, pale and feel that you could use some help. At the drugstore a whole wall of vitamins is staring at you, but which one should you take now?


The sense and nonsense of a ginger shot

Some people swear by drinking a ginger shot. Good for circulation, stimulates digestion and ideal against nausea. So essential for health? Nutrition scientist Alie de Boer responds to this.

The sense and nonsense of a ginger shot

Vegetables and fruit are healthy. And we're going to prove it.

Hidde van Steenwijk, a former pharmacy student, became fascinated by the health effects of vegetables and fruit and is now a PhD student at University College Venlo. Within the Dutch government’s top-sector project 'The Value(s) of Vegetables and Fruit' he will be working on an innovative challenge...

Hidde van Steenwijk


A Brightlands institute

Brightlands is an open innovation community in a global context, connecting four campuses in the province of Limburg: in Maastricht, Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen and Venlo. The campuses provide entrepreneurs, scientists and students state-of-the-art facilities to support development, education, innovation and growth. Naturally, there are close links between all four Brightlands campuses, and together they enable Limburg to serve as an innovation region where researchers and entrepreneurs take on the major challenges in the areas of materials, health, food and smart services.

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