Education Programme Committee Health

Within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, one Education Programme Committee (EPC) is installed per educational domain. The faculty holds three domains under which the respective study programmes in the fields of ‘Health’, ‘Biomedical Sciences’ and ‘Medicine’ are clustered.

Study programmes in the Health domain are: B.Sc. Health Sciences, B.Sc. European Public Health, M.Sc. Epidemiology, M.Sc. Global Health, M.Sc. Governance and Leadership in European Public Health, M.Sc. Health Education and Promotion, M.Sc. Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management, M.Sc. Health Professions Education, M.Sc. Health Sciences Research, M.Sc. Human Movement Sciences, M.Sc. Mental Health, M.Sc. Work, Health and Career.

The EPC can - either on its own initiative or on the instigation of other stakeholders - formulate advices with regard to all matters concerning the education within her domain. Examples are advices for the improvement of study programmes based on internal or external evaluations, curriculum reforms or expertise development of staff members. The EPC advices are usually addressed to the Educational Programme Director, the Board of the Institute for Education and/or the Faculty Board. 

In addition to her advisory rights, the EPC has right of consent on a variety of education-related matters which are formalised in the Education and Examination Rules. Moreover, in the Faculty Regulations, the following tasks of the EPC are explicitly described:

  • The annual evaluation of the execution of the Education and Examination Rules;
  • Advising the Board of the Institute for Education on the Education Budget;
  • Advising the Board of the Institute for Education on the innovation of educational content. 

The EPC Health meets on average ten times per academic year. Together with the EPC ‘Biomedical Sciences’ and the EPC ‘Medicine’, the EPC also organises an annual ‘education afternoon’ on a topical domain-overarching educational theme.

Annual report EPC Health


 In Dutch

 In Dutch

 In Dutch

 in English 
 In Dutch

 In English
 In Dutch

 In English
 In Dutch

Members EPC Health, academic year 2024-2025

Lianne Loosveld (chair) Educational Research & Development  
Other staff members   
Anke WindPrecision Medicine
Kenneth MeijerNutrition and Movement Sciences
Johan RenesNutrition and Movement Sciences
Kathelijne BessemsHealth Promotion
Ruben DrostHealth Services Research
Student members   Study programme
Lieve van Woerden (Vice-Chair)Health and Digital Transformation
Sharmi HaqueGovernance and Leadership in European Public Health / Medicine
Joey Auf den KampHealth Sciences
Charlotte BöhmHealthcare Policy, Innovation and Management
Fleur PalmenHealth Sciences
Anna GudimovaEuropean Public Health


Contact details secretariat
Y. (Yvonne) Sinsel, LL.M.
Institute for Education FHML
Universiteitssingel 60, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
+31 43 38 85788

From left to right standing: Lianne Loosveld, Anke Wind, Johan Renes, Kenneth Meijer.
From left to right sitting: Yvonne Sinsel, Lieve van Woerden
Missing in this picture: Kathelijne Bessems, Ruben Drost, Sharmi Haque, Joey auf den Kamp, Fleur Palmen, Anna Gudimova, Charlotte Böhm