Prof Dr Ir Wiebe Bijker (W.E.)

Research profile

Disciplinary profile: historical and sociological studies of science and technology.
Core themes: theory and methodology of science and technology studies; democratisation of technological culture; vulnerability of technological culture; science and technology in Europe and for development; science and technology policies; ICT and the socio-cultural dimensions of the information society; gender and technology; water management, nanotechnology and biotechnology.



Filmed keynote lecture "Vulnerability in Technological Cultures - opportunities and challenges for democracy and for teaching" at the  2nd FMU-IAEA International Conference in Fukushima on “Radiation, Health, and Population: The Multiple Dimensions of Post-Fukushima Disaster Recovery,” in Fukushima-Japan, from 25 to 27 July 2014





Filmed public lecture on "Vulnerability in Technological Cultures", Barcelona, 15 October 2009, Universidad Oberta de Catalunya


Vulnerability in Technological Cultures. New directions in research and governance
Edited by Anique Hommels, Jessica Mesman & Wiebe E. Bijker
Released in April 2014!
For more information and ordering, see:


Research projects

Wiebe Bijker chaired the KNAW committee that  explored possibilities to reduce the number of animal experiments in the neurosciences (2018-2019): EXCELLENT HERSENONDERZOEK MET MINDER DIERPROEVENKansen en uitdagingen voor proefdiervrij onderzoek in de neurowetenschappen (in Dutch, with English summary). It can be downloaded from the parliament's website, together with the response by the two responsible Ministers:

In ScienceGuide a good overview of the process is given (in Dutch): Hersenwetenschappers zien weinig mogelijkheden voor vermindering dierproeven.


* Wiebe Bijker chaired the evaluation committee of the WRR (2017): Meer dan ooit nodig—Evaluatie van de Wetenschapelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid 2013-2017


* On 12 May 2017 Wiebe Bijker became emeritus professor. For his valedictory lecture and the symposium "Adventuring into STS" (with Harry Collins, Knut Sørensen, John Law, Rosalind Williams and Shiv Visvanathan), see At this occasion, an edited volume was published with contributions by 51 colleagues and former students of Wiebe: Harro van Lente, Tsjalling Swierstra, Sally Wyatt, and Ragna Zeiss, eds. Wegwijs in STS — Knowing Your Way in STS. Maastricht: Maastricht University Science, Technology and Society Studies (MUSTS), 2017. Available for download:

Recent publications