Prof Dr Ir Wiebe Bijker (W.E.)

* I shall be Chairing the "Onderzoekscommissie afbouw wetenschappelijk onderzoek met niet-humane primaten" (Investigation Committee on the Decrease of Scientific Research with NHP) for the Minister of Education, Culture and Science: .

* During 2023, I acted as Head of Delegation to the G20 Chief Scientific Advisers Roundtable in India. The series of Roundtable meetings was concluded with a unanimously adopted Outcome Document

* De Gezondheidsraadcommissie Veertiendagengrens Embryowet heeft haar advies gepubliceerd

* The advisory report by Wiebe Bijker and Jorien Wuiten, "Dutch Caribbean Research Platform" has been adopted by the four research minsters of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and is currently being implemented. It is available in Dutch, Papiamento, and English. 

* Special issue on RRI in the Global South: Pandey, Poonam, Govert Valkenburg, Annapurna Mamidipudi, and Wiebe Bijker. "Responsible Research and Innovation in the Global South: Agriculture, Renewable Energy and the Pursuit of Symmetry—a Special Issue." Science, Technology and Society 25, no. 2 (2020/07/01 2020): 213-356.