Funds for students

There are several funds that provide financial aid to UM students. You may be eligible for additional funding if you fall behind on your studies, if you are a top-level athlete, or if you are going to study abroad. There are also funds for student initiatives that tie in with the vision of UM.

Financial support students Maastricht

Financial support

If you fall behind on your studies due to illness, pregnancy, personal circumstances, a position on the board of a student organisation or top-level athletics you may be eligible for financial support from the UM 'Profileringsfonds' for students.

UM Promotion Fund

Promotion Fund subsidy for student activities

Student organisations that organise an activity that fits within the vision and strategy of UM can be eligible for a Promotion Fund subsidy for student activities.

Standard budget subsidies for student organisations

Student organisations with 50 or more members, of which at least 35 are studying at UM, can be eligible for a structural annual subsidy. This is called the standard budget subsidy.

Study grants and private funds

Grants for studying abroad

Studying, doing an internship or doing research abroad? Then check if there is a grant or fund to help you finance this.

Private funds

If you need extra financial support for your studies because you can no longer afford to pay for your study yourself or if you are going abroad, you can also call on private funds. Make sure you are well-informed, orientate yourself and check whether you meet the conditions set by the private funds. For most private funds you need a letter of support from the student dean. In this case please contact the student dean by email:

Find information about private funds via Nuffic’s Beursopener (only in Dutch)

University Fund Limburg/SWOL

Students that organise a new or extraordinary activity for students that is of value to the university community can apply for a University Fund Limburg subsidy.

On the University Fund Limburg website you can find more information and application terms  

UM Emergency Fund

Circumstances may arise, suddenly and unexpectedly, that cause acute financial distress and jeopardise the continuation of your studies. If the available funds listed on this page and the schemes within and outside the UM do not provide a solution, UM may be able to help with a one-off payment from the Emergency Fund. Applications for this Emergency Fund can be discussed with the faculty study adviser.