Research output
The Boundary Tool for multi-stakeholder sustainable business model innovation
Sustainable business model innovation cannot reach its full sustainability potential if it neglects the importance of multi-stakeholder alignment. But how can organizations engage with their stakeholders to innovate their own business model in conjunction with the business models of these stakeholders? The Boundary Tool is a process tool that helps businesses engage in multi-stakeholder collaboration for sustainable business model innovation by focusing on complementarities and mismatches in stakeholders’ identities, relations, competences and activities. The final process tool consists of five steps to facilitate multi-stakeholder alignment for sustainable business model innovation.

Sustainable Development Research at ICIS (now MSI) – Taking stock and looking ahead
MSI released a new book that gives an overview of the diversity and richness of ongoing and recent sustainable development research at the institute in 35 short chapters, and it introduces MSI research agenda for the coming years.

Urban lab kit
The Living Lab toolkit has been designed as a tool for inspiration to help municipalities or other stakeholders in a city on their way in drafting or sharpening the outlines of an urban lab.

Urban Lab kit guidelines
The Urban lab kit guidelines aim to support the everyday practice of collaboratively experimenting and learning how to create more sustainable and inclusive cities.

Toolkit: Smarterlabs
Ten constraints on upscaling and social inclusion in urban Living Lab experiments and ways to anticipate them.

Handbook for Joint knowledge production
This book reports on the search for the exact meaning of knowledge creation, why and when knowledge co-creation can be used and what makes knowledge creation difficult or successful.

City labs inspiration letter
This inspiration letter provides an overview of 5 key challenges of Citylabs in the Netherlands and innovative solutions that have been devised for this purpose.

Urban Nature Vision Maastricht (Stadsnatuurvisie Maastricht)
The group 'Urban Nature Maastricht' developed a nature vision for the city and wants to initiate a process in which, on the one hand, work is being done towards an inspiring 'dot spot on the horizon' and, on the other hand, towards the creation of more awareness, support and a sense of urgency for urban nature.

Guidelines for the participation of social housing residents in the energy transition
MSI (UM) and Neimed developed a gamut and a report with guidelines for the participation of social housing residents in the energy transition. The guidelines result from a project that was funded by the Province of Limburg and in close collaboration with Wonen Limburg (Housing Corporation) and a diversity of stakeholders. The guidelines can be used by housing corporations in collaboration with municipalities and the provinces.