Corona Conversations
The 2020 COVID-19 crisis and the lockdown measures greatly affected classical music organizations. Concerts and tours were cancelled, and classes moved online leaving musicians, educators, researchers and audiences to figure out this ‘new normal.’ The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music organized an online space to share and discuss ideas and challenges during times of corona.
The MCICM Corona Conversations provided an opportunity to discuss the current situation of online musicking as well as future challenges. The weekly meetings were organized on the Zoom platform allowing anyone interested to join the conversation. A panel of experts, professionals and researchers presented their views in short pitches and discussed current and future best practice examples. Audiences were invited to contribute via the live chat. Below, you will find the videos of each session.
Corona Conversations: How will symphony orchestra’s connect with online audiences?
18 June 2020 from 13:00 to 14:00 CET
Moderator: Stefan Rosu, intendant philharmonie zuidnederland
Speakers: Folkert Uhde, concert designer and director of several music festivals in Germany and Austria; Annetta Thoma and Elena Kountidou from Konzerthaus Berlin; Simon Highfield and Beth Wells from BBC Philharmonic
Corona Conversations: Challenges for Higher Music Education
25 June 2020 from 13:00 to 14:00 CET
Moderator: Joachim Junghanss, Artistic Director of Conservatorium Maastricht
Speakers: Joyce Griggs from, theManhattan School of Music; Stefan Gies from Chief AEC (Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen); Falk Hübner from HKU Utrechts Conservatoire; Edo Righini from Conservatorium van Amsterdam; Nair Gimenez, student from Conservatorium Maastricht; Vicky Sapouna, former student from Conservatorium Maastricht.
Corona Conversations: How to engage Digital Audiences?
2 July 2020 from 13:00 to 14:00 CET
Moderator: Neil Smith, Post-doc at MCICM
Speakers: Julia Haferkorn from Middlesex University London; Jon Hargreaves from the Online Orchestra and Nevis Ensemble; Alejandra Solís, Business Developer Manager for IDAGIO; Maaike Verberk from DEN