Division of Nanoscopy Facilities

The division of Nanoscopy is equipped with cutting-edge scientific equipment.

M4I Facilities

Division of Nanoscopy Infrastructure

Cryo-electron microscopy is the only way to study cellular processes close to the in vivo situation. In order to do so, we have implemented a full workflow, starting with life cell imaging of cells or tissues followed by rapid cryo-fixation to preserve the structure. Cryo-light and Cryo-electron microscopy will resolve the 3D structure at nm resolution by means of electron tomography.


M4I office wing

The M4I office wing has been designed with the same open and transparent look and feel as our labs. Based on C.O.R.E. collaborative open research education. C.O.R.E. requires a transparent and open environment for both laboratories and offices. M4I has invested heavily in an innovative and open environment for collaborative research. Research and office space is shared by scientist from very different backgrounds and disciplines, ranging from the fundamental sciences, technology and engineering as well as clinicians. In line with the CORE philosophy of Maastricht University the infrastructure is primed for researchers to cross the boundaries of their own disciplines and stimulate each other to excel in translational imaging science.