Cancer and Molecular Epidemiology

The research area Cancer & Molecular Epidemiology aims to study determinants of cancer development and progression and of the prognosis, quality of life, and preservation of functioning after a cancer diagnosis (cancer survivorship). The research area focuses on several types of cancer, including colorectal, kidney, and breast cancer. Lifestyle and related factors are main determinants of interest, including diet, physical activity, and body composition. In addition, genetic and other molecular biomarkers are studied, including research on tumor heterogeneity and subtyping based on molecular markers. Patient-oriented clinical studies on cancer screening and prognosis are also part of the research area, focusing mostly on early detection strategies and treatment modalities for breast cancer

The research area Cancer & Molecular Epidemiology includes three main research themes:

  1. Cancer etiology & prognosis
  2. Cancer survivorship
  3. Clinical epidemiology of breast cancer

The research serves as a knowledge base for improving primary, secondary, and tertiary cancer prevention strategies. Findings are translated into cancer prevention guidelines and lifestyle recommendations and used as input for developing interventions for cancer survivors and for improving cancer screening programs.