
Our team "meta-research" is headed by Prof. dr. Maurice Zeegers. We serve two Maastricht University Schools (CAPHRI and NUTRIM) in our research activities and teach Systematic Reviews, Statistics, Data Science and Epidemiology for both the faculties Health and Medicine and Science and Engineering.

We conduct meta-research, meta-analyses, pooled analyses of large datasets and systematic reviews to substantiate expected cause-effect associations. Our aim is to unravel causality in multi-causal situations.

We represent the “Epidemiology” team in NUTRIM, specializing in Prenatal, Nutritional and Genetic Epidemiology and the “Applied Epidemiology” team in CAPHRI in which we perform methodological research and use secondary datasets to improve both real world applications and the scientific process itself.

We offer a fully-remote PhD degree programme for research executives at non-academic research institutes. (Flyer)