Programme Evaluation

Programme evaluation supports the process of quality assurance by providing useful information to different stakeholders.

Internal quality assurance of education can be described as the set of activities and processes implemented by educational organisations to control, monitor, improve and enhance educational quality. In an educational context, this implies focus on quality of curriculum, teaching activities, assessment, individual teachers etc.

Quality assurance should be a cyclic process:
1. Measuring (measure educational quality)
2. Judging (collect and analyse data, compare with standards)
3. Improving (plans of improvement).

To attain continuous improvement, three conditions need to be met: evaluation activities should be carried out in systematic, structural, and integrated manner. Systematic implies that all related educational aspects and stakeholders are involved. Structural implies that evaluations are carried out at regular intervals with proper frequency, and that standards are defined against which data can be compared and judged. Finally, an integrated system implies that responsibilities are clearly defined, and quality assurance is an integral part of the organizations’ work.

Task Force Program Evaluation closely collaborates with the FHML Educational Institutes and the Task Forces Assessment, Faculty Development and Instructional Design & E-learning to ensure that all our activities align with the educational quality culture within FHML.

Programme evaluation supports the process of educational quality assurance at FHML by providing useful information to different stakeholders. The task force aims to contribute to the continuous monitoring and enhancement of educational quality and to the fostering of an educational quality culture at FHML.
Besides structural evaluation activities, the expertise group is available for on-demand evaluations and training sessions to offer concrete directions and tools for coordinators and teachers.


  • Development of theory-informed evaluation instruments on the level of courses, internships, teaching roles and educational innovations
  • Systematic reporting of course and teaching evaluations to relevant stakeholders
  • Providing Training to stakeholders of educational quality assurance like student representatives, members of educational program committees, course coordinators and tutors

Contact information
Bachelor – Niels van der Baan, PhD 
Master – Jill Whittingham, PhD 
Administrative Office: - Ms. Odette Vanlier

Bachelor & Master – Renée Stalmeijer, PhD 
Administrative Office: Ms. Danielle Moonen

Biomedical Sciences: 
Bachelor & Master – Carolin Sehlbach, PhD
Administrative Office: Ms. Anneke van Tilburg

Stalmeijer, R. E., Whittingham, J. R., Bendermacher, G. W., Wolfhagen, I. H., Dolmans, D. H., & Sehlbach, C. (2023). Continuous enhancement of educational quality–fostering a quality culture: AMEE Guide No. 147. Medical Teacher, 45(1), 6-16. 

Stalmeijer, R., Whittingham, J., de Grave, W., & Dolmans, D. (2016). Strengthening internal quality assurance processes: facilitating student evaluation committees to contribute. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 41(1), 53-66 

Dolmans, D. H. J. M., Stalmeijer, R. E., Van Berkel, H. J. M., & Wolfhagen, I. H. A. P. (2011). Quality assurance of teaching and learning: Enhancing the quality culture. Medical Education: Theory and Practice. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston, Elsevier Ltd, 257-64.