Department of Educational Research and Development (ERD)
At our department internationally distinguished scholars examine fundamental and practical issues in professional education. We are in particular interested in (under)graduate business and economics education, training, and design of management learning practices. Our staff members probe the ways education influences students’ learning. Special attention is paid to problem-based learning and other innovative ways of organising learning in (under) graduate education. We conduct research on various aspects of innovative education and learning, develop courses, and provide training and consultancy to educators in higher education.
Fast facts
- offers the top-rated MSc programme: Learning and Development in Organisations
- award-winning PhD research: AERA, EARLI, AACE, Dutch Association for Educational Research
- proven trackrecord in a wide range of corperate related research and consultancy
- projects on improving Social Inclusion through increasing Literacy Skills
- publication of several book series in the fields of research and consultancy
Innovative learning environments
We are committed to research that integrates practice and theory, and try to develop new knowledge about professional education and professional learning. Our consultancy deals with tailoring programs for staff development that fit the needs of educators while working - or planning - in innovative learning environments.
Valorisation of results of research-collaboration of the ERD Department with the Veiligheidsregio Zuid Limburg
Which factors contribute to successful cooperation in coordinating crisis management teams? Dr. Selma van der Haar, Drs. Michael Hoven, Dr. Piet van den Bossche and Prof. dr. Mien Segers of the department of Educational Research and Development (ERD) investigated this together with the South Limburg Security Region and a few other partners. The ERD team recently reported back a factsheet with their results, which are now being implemented in the observation and training of crisis management teams.