Honours programmes
The Department of Advanced Computing Sciences offers its most talented bachelor's students the possibility to gain even more in-depth knowledge by completing their study programme with an additional honours programme. The honours programme consists of three different tracks: a research track (MaRBLe 2.0) and two practical tracks (CS@Work) and (KE@Work).
KE@Work (Practical track)
During the full second and third year of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence bachelor's programme, students spend 50% of their time in class and 50% at an organization. KE@Work internship projects relate to the use of artificial intelligence or data science, and given the two-year duration, can explore a topic that requires the student to get familiar with the context and field of application. The final part of the project should include a research component that will allow the student to produce a bachelor thesis. Students remain under both academic and corporate supervision.
More information for students
More information for organisations
Anouk Quaden
KE@Work coordinator
+31 43 388 1767

CS@Work (Practical track)
During the third year of the Computer Science bachelor's programme, students spend 40% of their time in class and 60% at an organization. The first half year of the CS@Work internship, students are expected to learn the operation of their host organisation by participating in software development, while the second half year should present them with a complex task suited for a bachelor thesis. Students remain under both academic and corporate supervision.
More information for students
More information for organisations
Anouk Quaden
CS@Work coordinator
+31 43 388 1767

MaRBLe 2.0 (Research track)
Our bachelor's students get the opportunity to work on a state-of-the-art research project. Work is organised in a similar way as in professional research institutes where students work together as individual experts on a team project. Each student specialises in a task, gets assigned a team role and receives a self-contained research project. Together they work towards a common demonstration where individual research projects integrate towards a journal publication. For the individual subprojects, each student receives an individual supervisor from the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences.
Dr. Rachel Cavill
Assistant professor

KE@Work partner company Mediaan created this video about the programme.