Department of Advanced Computing Sciences
Academic staff
F. Barile
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
T.A. Bitterman
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
P. Bonizzi
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
C.A.W. Brewster
Institute of Data Science
R. Cavill
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
R. Celebi
Institute of Data Science
S.A. Chaplick
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
P.J. Collins
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
O. D'Huys
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
D. Dibenedetto
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
T.H. Dick
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
P. Dreesen
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
K. Driessens
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M.J. Dumontier
Institute of Data Science
S. Eddamiri
Institute of Data Science
M. Esposito
Institute of Data Science
B. Franci
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A.D. de Freitas Sousa
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M. Frohn
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A.J. Garnock-Jones
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
C.S. Giagtzoglou
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
D.L. Groep
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A.S. Härmä
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
E. Hortal Quesada
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A.I. Iamnitchi
Institute of Data Science
S. Joshi
Dept. of Advanced Computing SciencesJ.M.H. Karel
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
R. Kaushal
Institute of Data Science
S.M. Kelk
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
S.S. Kotala
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
C. Kouzinopoulos
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
B. Küppers
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A. Lohachab
Institute of Data Science
S.J. Maubach
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
D. Mestel
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
R. Möckel
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M. Musegaas
Dept. of Advanced Computing SciencesR. Nanda
Institute of Data Science
R.L.M. Peeters
Dept. of Advanced Computing SciencesT.H.J. Pepels
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M. Pietrasik
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
T.D. Rienstra
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
L. Rieswijk
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
N. Roos
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A. Sai
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M. Salvioli
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
F. Schlembach
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
G.M. Schoenmakers
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
J.C. Scholtes
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
K. Schneider
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
C.J. Seiler
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
Y.C. Semerci
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
E.N. Smirnov
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
D.J.N.J. Soemers
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
G. Spanakis
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
G. Stamoulis
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
C. Sun
Institute of Data Science
G. Tang
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M.L. Thijsen
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
F. Thuijsman
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
N. Tintarev
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
J.P.C. Verhoosel
Institute of Data Science
G.B. Weiss
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A. M. Wilbik
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M.H.M. Winands
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
Y. Yang
Institute of Data Science
N. Yousefimanesh
University College Maastricht
K. Zarkogianni
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
PhD candidates
O.H. Adekunle
ICTS ORE-Research
A. Ahangi
Dept. of Advanced Computing SciencesA.R. Aranda Hernandez
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
F. Arruda Pontes
Institute of Data Science
K.K. Bujnarowski
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A. Doumanoglou
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
O. Erten
Institute of Data Science
A. Ganesh
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
K. Gilani
Institute of Data Science
M. Ibrahim
Institute of Data Science
A. Issam
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
R.S. Jakhar
Institute of Data Science
B. Khaertdinov
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A. Khan
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
B. Khelifi
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
K. Li
Institute of Data Science
V. Lipardi
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
Z. Liu
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
J. Loesch
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
P.M. Maka
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
S. Mehryar
Institute of Data Science
R.H. Meuwese
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M. Mohammadi
Institute of Data Science
M. Najda
Institute of Data Science
J.R. Nickenig Vissoci
Institute of Data Science
M. Ntekouli
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
I. Panoutsopoulos
Institute of Data Science
R.P.F. Schellingerhout
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
M. Stallmann
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
S. Vattimunda Purayil
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
L.H. Verkleij
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
W. Wang
Institute for Digital Smart Society
W. Wei
Institute of Data Science
G.W.A. Wijngaard
Institute of Data Science
C. Wrede
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
Y. Yan
Institute of Data Science
D. Yang
Institute of Data Science
Y. Zhang
Institute of Data Science
D. Zilbershtein
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
Research, lab and software engineers
P.N. Bapat
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
D.J.T. Boonen
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
E.E. Erol
Institute of Data Science
F. Oyen
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
L.E.T. Powell
Institute of Data Science
Support staff
W.M. Brandt
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
B.A.C. Breuer
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
E. Breuls
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
C.M.A. Duijsens - Rondagh
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
I.M.J. Dzon
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
T. Fox
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
A.M.P. Fraats
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
C.H.J.M. Hamelers - Geelen
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
I. Hoogsteder
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
A.E.A.M. Ignéczi
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
E.M.P. Knip
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
A.J.T. Lamers
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
S.N. Lemmens
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
H.A.P. Narinx - Schrauwen
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
A.M.G. Quaden
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
M.R. Schreur
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences
D.J.M. Spingelen
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
M. Vermeer
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP
C.G.W.F.M. Wijler - Lardenoye
Dept. of Advanced Computing Sciences OBP