PhD training
At Maastricht University, a PhD degree is not just a study but also a serious research project that adds new knowledge to a given field. As a PhD candidate, you will spend most of your time conducting original research and writing a dissertation. You might also follow courses relevant to your research or have teaching responsibilities as well. Most candidates take four years to complete their dissertation and earn their degree.
AMIBM offers PhD training through:
Biobased Value Circle Industrial Doctorate Training
We will provide PhD’s with training specifically in the field of Biobased Value Circle subjects and skills relevant to all PhD’s (so-called transferable skills). We will offer five training events (3-5 days each), and a final conference.
FSE STEM Graduate school
The FSE STEM Graduate school supports all PhD students of the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) and is rapidly growing. The graduate school optimises education and training of PhD’s, and facilitates and monitors the quality and progress of research projects.