Prof. Maarten Honing joins Dutch Chemistry Council

2 March 2020

Prof. dr. Maarten Honing has joined the newly established Dutch Chemistry Council (DCC), the successor to the Raad van de Natuur- en Scheikunde, set up in 2016. Made up of representatives from all Dutch universities, the DCC has an advisory role in promoting the interests of importance of chemistry in academic research and education. As a member of the council, professor Honing will help develop a long-term vision on the importance of chemistry to contemporary and future society. The executive board (core team) consists of Prof. dr. W. Huck (Chair; Radboud University Nijmegen), Prof. dr. B. Poolman (University of Groningen), Dr. ir. M. Wubbolts (Corbion), Prof. dr. K. Nijmeijer (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Prof. dr. C. Fonseca Guerra (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

Prof. dr. Honing works at the MS division of M4i (Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging) institute. His research involves the "mapping" (Imaging) of dynamic systems, such as biochemical reactions. His research group focuses on the design and development of new MS and SPR (Surface Plasmon Resonance) techniques to retrieve information on molecular structures, primarily in biochemical reactions in cells (Organ-on-the-Chip) or in complex chemical reactions in flow reactors.

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