Dr Denise Prévost (M.D.)

Research projects

Horizon2020: Making Agricultural Trade Sustainable (MATS) RUR-21-2020 

MATS aims to identify key leverage points for changes in agricultural trade policy that foster the positive and reduce the negative impacts of trade on environmental sustainability and human well-being. Its focus is on improving the design, governance and implementation of trade regimes and policies at private sector, national, EU, African and global levels.


Key publications
Prévost, D., & van den Bossche, P. (2021). Essentials of WTO Law. (2 ed.) Cambridge University Press.
More information about this publication
Prévost, D. (2016). States’ regulatory autonomy to protect societal values by legitimate regulatory distinctions: Finding the balance in the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade through adjudication. In L. Choukroune (Ed.), Judging the state in international trade and investment law: Sovereignty modern, the law and the economics (pp. 53-74). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-2360-6_4
More information about this publication
Prevost, D. (2014). National treatment in the SPS Agreement: A sui generis obligation. In A. Kamperman Sanders (Ed.), The principle of national treatment in international economic law (pp. 125-155). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783471225.00014
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Prevost, D. (2013). Transparency obligations under the TBT Agreement. In T. Epps, & M. J. Trebilcock (Eds.), Research handbook on the WTO and technical barriers to trade (pp. 120-163). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9780857936721.00009
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Prévost, D., & Alexovicova, I. (2019). Mind the Compliance Gap: Managing Trustworthy Partnerships for Sustainable Development in the European Union’s Free Trade Agreements. International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 6(3), 236-269. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJPLAP.2019.102874
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