M-EPLI Roundtable: ‘Walking on Common Grounds? New Insights on the Asian, European, and Latin American Principles of Contract Law’, 26 January 2016, Maastricht

The Roundtable will attend the Asian, European, and Latin American principles of contract law from a comparative law perspective. Scholars from each of the three continents will share their insights on the status, merits, and potential of the existing contract law principles.

Location: Boardroom (B1.019), Faculty of Law, Maastricht University

For more information and registration, please contact Dr. Agustín Parise (agustin.parise@maastrichtuniversity.nl).




9:00      Opening Remarks, Jan Smits (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)


First Session: Latin America


Moderator: William Bull (Maastricht University)

9:05      Agustín Parise (Maastricht University)

Third-generation Civil Codes: Interaction of New Codes and Harmonizing Principles in Latin America

9:25      Discussion

9:45      Rodrigo Momberg (University of Oxford, UK)

The Principles of Latin American Contract Law: Looking for Identity

10:05     Discussion

10:25     Iñigo de la Maza (Universidad Diego Portales, Chile)

The Concept of Contract in the Principles of Latin American Contract Law

10:45     Discussion

11:05     Coffee Break


Second Session: Asia and Europe


Moderators: Liuhu Luo and Jiangqiu Ge (Maastricht University)

11:30     Shiyuan Han (Tsinghua University, China)

The Principles of Asian Contract Law: What has been done and What’s going on

11:50     Discussion

12:10     Jan Smits

Principles of Contract Law: Beyond Common Ground

12:30     Discussion


12:50     General Discussion, moderated by Janwillem Oosterhuis (Maastricht University)


13:10     Closing Remarks, Agustín Parise


A. Parise

Agustín Parise (Buenos Aires, Argentina) is Associate Professor of Law and Chair of the Faculty Council at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University. He received his degrees of LL.B. (abogado) and LL.D. (doctor en derecho) at Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), where he was Lecturer in Legal History during 2001-2005. He received his degree of LL.M.

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