Events and seminars

Below is the full list of other events and seminar series relevant to GSBE:

Organiser Description Link to events 
UNU-MERIT / School of Governance General events: Events designed to stimulate academic debate, disseminate research findings and facilitate knowledge sharing among researchers and policymakers. See list

Dept of Finance

Finance seminars & colloquia: Events include seminars covering diverse Finance topics which take place once a week (usually Wednesdays) from September to December and February to June. It also includes weekly Finance PhD colloquia which aim to give PhD candidates the opportunity to present their ongoing work and to facilitate cooperation among them.

See list
Dept of Economicseconometrics GSBE-ETBC seminar series: This seminar series covers theory, behavior, experiments and computation. Seminars take place once a week (usually on Thursday at 16:00), from September to December and February to June. See list
Dept of Economics

Dept of Quantitative Economics

Maastricht Lecture Series in Economics (MLSE): These seminars are usually held every two weeks and aims to give researchers the opportunity to present their ongoing work and to facilitate cooperation among them. 

See list

Dept of Accounting and Information Management- MARC

Research seminars: The Maastricht Accounting, Auditing & Information Management Research Center (MARC) regularly organises research seminars where both external and internal speakers present their research. These seminars are generally held on Wednesdays. For more information contact the seminar organisers, Christoph Feichter and Matthijs van Peteghem. See list

Institute of Data Science

UM data science research seminar series: This seminar series serves as a forum to learn about, discuss and critique high-impact publications from all facets of Data Science. See list