Building School of Business & Economics

Department of Quantitative Economics

The Department of Quantitative Economics teaches and conducts research in the areas of Actuarial Science, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics and Operations Research. Both in teaching and in research it achieves excellent standards. The Department of Quantitative Economics is largely in charge of the BSc programme in Econometrics & Operations Research Econometrics & Operations Research | Maastricht University and the MSc programme in Econometrics & Operations Research Econometrics and Operations Research | Maastricht UniversityMoreover, the department also offers courses in all other BSc and MSc programmes of the SBE. The department publishes papers in highly ranked international scientific journals, such as Journal of Econometrics, Games and Economic Behaviour, and Operations Research.


The department is structured in three groups


  1. Econometrics
  2. Mathematical Economics
  3. Operations Research


These groups cooperate in offering courses for various BSc and MSc programmes and organise seminars. The Econometrics groups organises the Econometrics Seminar, the Mathematical Economics groups organises the  GSBE-ETBC Seminar and the MLSE-Seminar, the Operations Research group organises the OR lunch seminar.

Focal areas of research are actuarial science, econometrics and statistics, game theory, and combinatorial optimisation. For more details, see Research.



The researchers across the three groups are also part of the Mathematics Centre Maastricht (MCM)  Mathematics Centre Maastricht (MCM)


Therese Grohnert